Friday, 23 May 2014


This is a conversation I overheard recently in a pharmacy. A guy walks in looks around shiftily and finally walks up to the sales clerk and says “Bros do you have something to help me stay longer?” clerk answers “longer how?” my guy rolls his eyes and points to a row of aphrodisiacs displayed to the left “longer now!” clerk goes oooh! “P.E or E.D?”  Which one is PE again? Asks my harassed friend, I had to bite my tongue so as not too laugh! I was intrigued by the problems of Mr. Stay long and it has inspired me to write this piece on a topic that can be every virile male’s worst nightmare!

Now I must confess, I just made up Mr. Stay long’s story but male sexual problems are no laughing matter. Researchers in male sexuality have found that approximately 30% of men between the age of 30 and 50 years have experienced it at least once and about 10% suffer it frequently. Today’s topic is inspired by real life problems that threaten marriages all over our country today. It is further compounded by the fact that it hits at the core of a man; his ability to satisfy his wife in bed. Hence, very few men will openly admit to needing help. No problem then, if you don’t need the help from this article you might have a “friend” who does!

P.E as far as this post is concerned refers to premature ejaculation, P.E has another evil cousin called E.D (Erectile Dysfunction) and we will find out more about it next week. This week I will try to explain the causes of P.E and how you or your “friend” can beat it, to have a happy and fulfilled sex life.

Happy reading and do have a wonderful weekend!


P.E as the term would imply is a situation in which a man finds himself unable to prolong the sexual experience and it ends before he wants it to. Some cases are so bad that the man may reach orgasm within 30 seconds! Most men wish they could perform like porn stars for their wives so P.E is a source of shame and embarrassment for many men. There are different causes and triggers for P.E.


1.       LIFELONG P.E : This is characterized by early ejaculation right from the first sexual experience.

2.       ACQUIRED P.E : This happens after a period of normal sexual function and is most often caused by psychological issues.

3.       STRESS AND ANXIETY: Stress and the stress hormone cortisol play an important role in P.E. when stress is high P.E is more likely to occur

4.       PSYCHOLOGICAL: Some scientists believe that early sexual experiences may condition a person sexually to having P.E. For example a person may have rushed his early sexual encounters to avoid being caught and develops a psychological need to hurry the sexual act.

5.       ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION: Erectile dysfunction is often the culprit in acquired P.E. and scientists believe that some men climax quickly to make up for not being able to maintain an erection for a long time. This may form a habit of rushing to ejaculation that is difficult to break.


The effects of suffering P.E. includes but is not limited to; relationship problems, fertility issues, stress and depression.


There are various ways to help reverse the effects of P.E. and have fulfilling sex lives, some include:


This is an extremely controversial method as there are virtually a thousand and one herbal supplements that swear that they can make you a bull or lion. Some do work, but many do not and even among those that work there are some that are potentially dangerous to your health and can cause high blood pressure and raise you risk of cardiac arrest!

However, there are some herbal supplements I will stick out my neck for and recommend:

HORNY GOAT WEED; Horny goat weed has been shown to amplify testosterone which amplifies libido. Furthermore, low testosterone is associated with P.E.

GINKO BILOBA; Ginko biloba is known to reduce stress, increase blood flow to the penis, and help men last longer in bed.

PANAX GINSENG; Panax ginseng is a plant medicinally used to treat depression, boost the immune system, boost mental performance, increase sexual performance and reduce P.E.
These are not the only hers out there but these are the ones I know and trust and highly recommend in
fighting off P.E.

2.       WEAR A CONDOM:

This sounds obvious doesn't it? You may not like them but apart from potentially saving your life, condoms can help you beat P.E. by reducing sensation for the man during sex and this will help you last longer.


For many men anxiety and pressure to perform is a major contributor to P.E. You need to relax and remember that sex is not a competitive sport. Relax and enjoy it and do not become fixated on your orgasm. It helps.


If you feel you are losing control and can’t control your orgasm, a useful tip is to distract yourself and think non sexual thought. A personal favourite of mine is to do arithmetic sums in my head! Don’t laugh, it works! Do be careful not to overdo it though or you might be too successful and lose your erection.


Some positions cause excess stimulation and this can lead to P.E for some people, if you are in that category you should avoid “active” positions like missionary and rear entry and consider more passive ones like girl on top to reduce stimulation.


Flexing and strengthening you pubococcygeus muscle (wow!) your PC muscle is situated just behind your testicles, and mastery of this muscle can help you control your orgasm. These exercises are also known as kegel exercises. To locate your PC muscle, put one or two fingers directly behind your testicles and pretend you are urinating then try to stop the flow with a quick muscle contraction. That muscle you just used to stop the flow from your bladder is the PC muscle. Do flex the muscle regularly; try to do 10 to 20 squeezes in a set 2 to 3 times a day. If this seems too abstract to you and you can’t get the hang of it or you tend to forget, then I recommend doing it anytime you are actually urinating so you can see the effects for yourself and understand it firsthand. Squeeze your PC muscle when you feel ejaculation coming on. Once the muscle is strong enough you should be able to hold it off just like stopping flow when urinating.

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