Friday 18 September 2015


Have you ever tried to eat healthy? I have, and I can tell you that from firsthand experience it can be daunting and frustrating! We all know the basic rules, don't overeat, don't eat late, reduce bad fats and avoid added sugar like its the devil!

However I am willing to bet that nobody ever told you about avoiding hidden food additives. Have you ever seen that woman at the super market who keeps on reading and rereading food labels without seemingly making up her mind? Don't blame her and if you knew what she knows you would be as paranoid as she is!  

Friday 4 September 2015


We all Workout for different reasons, whether it’s for the “high” of running till you are out of breath or the “pump”  you get from working your muscles to death. While exercise jargon can be confusing, what is not in doubt is that we need to maximize those precious minutes we squeeze out of our busy schedules to exercise.
To get the best out of your workout, you need to plug energy leaks in your workout. Energy leaks can best be summed up in two ways; they are those bad habits you have picked up that retard your progress, two they are those good habits you have not yet inculcated into your workout to help make the most of it.
The good news is that its pretty easy to fix these leakages. Below are my favourite tips for improving your workout, I guarantee that if you apply them to your workout you will get your desired results, whether its burning off that pot belly, losing the spare tire or building an incredible 6 pack, it works for everything!

Still here? Better get to it!
Thanks, and do have a wonderful day!


Have you noticed that anything that is dehydrated looks shrunken and lifeless? Think of dried fruit and you get the picture. Well that’s the same effect you get from not drinking enough water during your workout.The more hydrated you are the easier it is for your muscles to fight fatigue and cramp, this is especially important when lifting weights and running long distance. If you have ever had “muscle pull” while running or playing football then you have found your culprit! To nip it in the bud, be sure to drink enough water before, during and especially after your workout.