Friday 4 September 2015


We all Workout for different reasons, whether it’s for the “high” of running till you are out of breath or the “pump”  you get from working your muscles to death. While exercise jargon can be confusing, what is not in doubt is that we need to maximize those precious minutes we squeeze out of our busy schedules to exercise.
To get the best out of your workout, you need to plug energy leaks in your workout. Energy leaks can best be summed up in two ways; they are those bad habits you have picked up that retard your progress, two they are those good habits you have not yet inculcated into your workout to help make the most of it.
The good news is that its pretty easy to fix these leakages. Below are my favourite tips for improving your workout, I guarantee that if you apply them to your workout you will get your desired results, whether its burning off that pot belly, losing the spare tire or building an incredible 6 pack, it works for everything!

Still here? Better get to it!
Thanks, and do have a wonderful day!


Have you noticed that anything that is dehydrated looks shrunken and lifeless? Think of dried fruit and you get the picture. Well that’s the same effect you get from not drinking enough water during your workout.The more hydrated you are the easier it is for your muscles to fight fatigue and cramp, this is especially important when lifting weights and running long distance. If you have ever had “muscle pull” while running or playing football then you have found your culprit! To nip it in the bud, be sure to drink enough water before, during and especially after your workout.


Taking in enough carbs before your workout is important! Especially if you lift weights, to build muscle your body needs glycogen for energy. The best source of glycogen is carbohydrates. Even if you are only doing cardio like aerobics or jugging you still need carbs for energy. I am not telling you to eat a plate of eba or akpu before hitting the road! The trick is to eat just a little simple carbohydrates like cornflakes or some rice for quick energy before your workout. When you start this you will notice your energy levels rise and you will be able to workout longer, harder and faster.


Of course I'm present, I'm here aren't i? Well you might be physically present during your workout but mentally absent. Like virtually everything else in life you must put in some mental effort for success. When you are exercising, don't just go through the motions of your workout like a robot. Maximize the benefits of your workout by being present for every rep, set and kilometre you run. How do you stay present? By being aware every time you raise the weight, forcefully squeeze the weight you are lifting and never relax the tension in your muscles till the exercise is over. You will burn more calories this way, slow down the speed of each rep and really focus your mind on the muscle you are working on. Your output will increase, I guarantee it!


Getting tired, weak or bored? Blast some music! If I have only learned one thing from years or running, weight and aerobics is the power of music. Music has the power to motivate and inspire you to greater heights. I strongly advise that you invest in some great headphones and get your favourite music available. I also strongly recommend high tempo upbeat music. I am a great fan of old school rock and the soundtracks from films I loved as a kid! Trust me when you are about to pass out on the treadmill it will save your life! I strongly believe in a good playlist to jam and train to, since it can keep motivation and efforts high and help you coerce your body to work harder. We all know that the harder we push, the better the result. Whether it's Naija music, rock or heavy metal whatever works for you. Please do not play slow music or country; it’s likely to depress you!


There's no rest for the man who seeking perfection! Whatever mode of exercise you workout consists of; remember to shorten your rest periods. If you are running out of breath, slow down the tempo for no more than sixty seconds to catch your breath. Decreasing your rest time can elicit greater gains in the gym. The shorter your rest periods, the more blood will shoot through muscle tissue, and will help you achieve your aims in burning fat, as well as building muscle and stamina.  


This advice is strictly for the guys (and ladies!) trying to build muscle. One of the best ways to ensure a strong muscle contraction, and subsequent muscular development, is to perform each rep more slowly. This tip especially is helpful for those of you who typically lift with a faster tempo. When you slow down, you can control the weight and muscle contraction better, you will be more aware and less likely to cheat by applying poor form and using other body parts to assist. By slowing it down to controlled movements of the exercise, you increase the time under tension, which will let you feel the "squeeze" and can lead to better gains. Pair this with short rest periods for maximum effect.

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