Friday 7 October 2016


Most of the time when we look at pictures of fit men and women we think ; no way that cant be me, i could never be that slim, muscular or good looking and that's where you are dead wrong! you see, most of the time that person that is so much better than you used to be you and that's a fact.

The human mind and spirit are wonderful things, but to easier habituated to their programming, if you keep on feeding them the negative, they will accept the negative and if you keep on feeding them the positive then that becomes reality too. From my personal experience you can have the health, fitness and body you desire, the question you have to ask yourself is how badly do you want it?

Most of us would like to look and feel better and we are always planning to go to the gym, start running or start eating right. That's the problem there! Stop planning and start taking action!

I know its not easy, hell i know all the reasons not to; work schedule, family commitments, lagos traffic, the list is endless. However, i also know one thing and that is if you desire anything badly enough you will find a way to get it. Have i just said something true? Think hard and i mean really hard about when you really desired something, not to be crass but a very good example is when a guy is chasing after his dream girl, there is no higher level of motivation in life! None of the "reasons" stated above will ever stop such a guy from catching his girl!

Your health and body are a temple and their maintenance should be of the highest priority, you can be like those fit people you see, the only difference between you and them is that they stopped making excuses and just got on with it, it did not come easy, it took commitment, day after day, week after week and month after month but the results are worth it. If they could, why not you? whats your excuse?!

I leave you with these ten wonderful body transformations , they are regular people not bodybuilders and i hope their physical journeys inspire you to greatness. Have a great weekend!


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