Friday, 12 May 2017


Don’t be that person please! You know who I am talking about right? That guy or girl, who doesn’t give a damn, just annoys everybody with their total disregard for good manners in the gym. Whether it’s by their phone use, disregard for hygiene, being inconsiderate about others, I could go on and on!
Today I want to talk about the major bad habits you should avoid when working out in a public place, now you may be thinking “this doesn’t concern me, I will never work out in a gym” don’t be so quick my friend, one day you will, and even if you don’t currently work out, you probably know someone who does.

So, don’t be a menace to others in the gym and learn the do’s and don’ts of gym etiquette today only at corefitness.

Thanks, and do have a wonderful weekend!


Let’s start with the worst, and believe me nothing is more irritating and annoying than having to clean up or touch another person’s sweat. Please, do bring your own towel to the gym and more important, clean up after yourself! Leaving sweat on benches, machines and even weights is not only inconsiderate but also unhygienic because the gym can be an incubator for a wide variety of germs and bacteria such as staph, ringworm and E coli.


This is another bad habit that needs to be jettisoned, you should always consider other gym users, sure you have a program and you are determined to get the best out of the hard earned money you paid for your membership. That being said, you don’t have to spend an hour on the treadmill when there are a lot of people waiting their turn at peak workout period, it’s not just right. The worst thing about machine hoggers is their sense of entitlement and ownership of these machines, don’t be that person, considerate about other people’s time in the gym.


We get it, you are really determined to put in your best and crush that workout, no problem, but do you have to scream and swear while doing it? Screaming and swearing does not show that you are strong; it just shows that you are an attention seeker who has a big ego, thinks a lot of himself and wants everybody to see how great he is in the gym. Bro, that’s just false pride talking, be humble and respect the feelings of other gym users. Anything more than a loud grunt from you is just too much.


Now this drives me crazy and I hate this behaviour with a passion and sadly it is widespread and persistent. Walk into any gym and I bet you there is a notice telling people to return weights after use. Guess what, right under that sign will be weights scattered all over the floor! Heavy lifters are most guilty of this bad behaviour; it shows total arrogance and disdain for the other gym users and for the gym itself. Scattered weights make other gym users lose time while searching up and down for a particular weight or dumbbell it also makes the gym look clustered and littered and really takes away its beauty. If you indulge in this practice, imagine how bad it makes your gym look and imagine how it might cost your gym management new business. As the sign say’s PLEASE RERACK WEIGHTS AFTER USE!


Where do I start with this annoying behaviour?  Why did you come to the gym? Every gym has them, that guy or lady (especially!) who works out for 5 minutes and is on the phone for the next 20 minutes! These are the people who always complain that they are not getting anything out of their workout, hell I would be surprised if you did actually get anything out of it! I get it, we live in a connected world, however you need to drop that phone and focus on your workout. Taking a selfie once in a while is fine, so you can track your weight loss and muscle development, but every 5 minutes, come on! Also, the phone addicts are a distraction to other users, funny thing is their conversations usually start with “I can’t talk now I’m in the gym” and she proceeds to yak for the next 15 minutes. Please let’s concentrate on the job at hand.


You might not believe this but it’s fairly common, and while I sympathize with the guy who doesn’t want to miss a workout, having been in that position myself, ultimately it’s best for you and other gym users if you do not train while sick. Some people will come sick just to prove a point, i.e. see me even at the point of death I still work out, sorry but you get no medals for endangering yourself and others. Sure you can train with a mild cold, but when you have a fever or anything contagious, consider yourself and others and just stay home!

Thanks and do have a wonderful weekend!!

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