Friday, 19 January 2018


Today we are talking abdominal exercises, and specifically I want to write about some of the most effective abdominal workouts I have come across over the years. I am not saying that these are the best exercises of all time, but I am saying that they are easy to learn, easy to execute do not take much time and space and best of all they require virtually no gym equipment!

My post today is a no frills post with 6 simple abdominal exercises you can incorporate into your schedule, however I must give you a fair warning, they are simple alright but not painless! If you want to lose that gut without pain better go in for liposuction (and even that hurts!). Finally remember that you can’t work out a bad diet, watching what you eat and drink is the first step to getting that slimmer waistline and dropping those love handles.

So if you want some, come get some!
And have a great weekend!


First on my list today is the Russian twist, why its called that? I don’t know! It is an exercise that works your side abdominal muscles called the Oblique, if you have fat hanging on your sides otherwise known as love handles then this is the exercise for you. Its easy to master and you may choose to use weights or not, from the picture illustrating it above, you can see that the model uses a medicine ball, you can do it without weights and still get the benefits of toning the muscles and burning the fat from your sides.


Get on the floor in a sitting position, with your heels planted and knees bent, facing straight forward then twist sideways to the left then right for one repetition. You can pick up an imaginary ball from one side and drop it at the other to establish your rhythm. Make sure you don’t rush, do it slowly and controlled for maximum effectiveness. Aim for 3 sets of 15 repetitions of this in your workout, for extra difficulty as you get stronger, you can raise your feet a few inches off the ground.


Sometimes the plank gets a bad rap for being boring or too easy, hence the development of a million and one variations (more on that later). Me, I love it because it helps develop a set of core muscles that are often forgotten. The classic plank will help strengthen the muscles that help you hold your gut in; planks give you the abdominal strength to hold in your gut unconsciously without holding your breath. A lot of people don’t know this, but planks also develop muscles in your back that improve your posture and are key to you having a strong core. The core encompasses all the muscles in your midsection front, sides and back.


Lie down on the floor, face down, and prop yourself on your forearms and toes, you body should be a few inches off the ground. Make sure to keep your abdominal and back muscles tight, and ensure that your waist does not sag, and you do not raise your butt in the air! Strive to be as parallel to the floor as is possible. Aim for 3 sets of the classic plank, start by trying to hold the position for at least 30 seconds per set and increase your time under tension as you get stronger.


This is another favourite of mine; I love it because of the intense squeeze on your abs do to the short range of movement. The partial sit-up works on your front abdominal muscles that are visible i.e. your upper six pack. Its builds strength and conditions the muscles, if your diet is right then the partial sit-up is a must for six pack visibility.

Lie down on your back with your shoulder blades touching the ground, raise your arms strait up and try to raise yourself. You raise only your shoulders off the ground and return to the starting position for one set, make sure you never drop your arms throughout your set. Aim for 3 sets of 20 reps each.

4.       STAR PLANK:

I know another plank! What can I say but that they are effective? The star plank is a full frontal workout that strengthens your full core, by this I mean it strengthens the muscles in your front back and sides at the same time, it helps you build a strong posture by tucking in your pelvis and back while pushing in your abdominal muscles. The star plank is a plank variation that you should never be without.


Like the front plank, you start by lying on your stomach, make sure your arms and legs are spread shoulder with apart. Balance on your palms and your toes and hold in your stomach while keeping your back stiff (see the illustration). Be sure not to let your belly sag towards the floor, keep everything stiff and tight for at least 2 sets of 30 seconds

5.       LEG RAISE:

Another front abdominal and six pack specific exercise is the front raise. The focus of the front raise is to build your lower abdominal muscles, it’s a wonderful exercise that requires some control but it’s worth the practice and effort. Do not let the workout bench in the illustration get you down, I do this exercise without any equipment and it’s just as effective, the front raise is a must for your lower abdominal and hip muscles and will help burn away the fat around and beneath your belly button.


Lie down flat on your back, with your feet flat on the ground, in one motion and with you legs straight, raise your legs off the ground till they are pointed at the ceiling then at the top of the movement push your hips off the ground for an extra contraction. After this lower your legs to the ground but don’t let your feet touch the ground and repeat the movement. It’s a tough one that burns and builds muscle past, note never bend your knees! Keep your arms flat at your sides or behind your head throughout. Try to do 3 sets of 10 reps each at the beginning, and increase as you get stronger.

 6.       SIDE PLANK:

Remember I said there were a million and one plank exercises? Here’s another, this variation is known as the side plank and as the name suggests, it works your side abdominal muscles, the oblique muscles. The side plank is pretty easy to master and helps build strength and stability in your mid-section, it also burns away love handles.


Lie down on one side, make sure you have on leg on top of the other, and prop yourself on one elbow with your forearm flat on the ground at a 90 degree angle (see illustration). Make sure your body is straight, no sagging at the waist, hold the position for at least 30 seconds then roll over to your other side and do the same. 2 sets of a minimum of 30 seconds each will be ok for a start.

There it is folks, 6 of the best equipment free, bodyweight abdominal exercises to help get you that six pack you desire, only at

Thanks and do have a wonderful weekend!

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