Friday 7 February 2020


Lets first of all admit that weight loss (or fat loss) is one of the major reasons why we work out in the first place. All those long hours in the gym, the running, watching what you eat etc., we do it to lose the inches around our waist as well as those annoying love handles. So, I can imagine how you feel after 6 months of hard work and still no progress, it’s discouraging and I know you just want to pack it all in and say to hell with it! Don’t, if you are truly and honestly putting in the time in the gym and on the road and eating clean and healthy foods in moderate portions (very important!) and still not losing weight, then its time to consider the other reasons.

The good news is that if you have been eating and training right, with these few tips I am going to give, you will be able to finally lose those unsightly rolls around your waist, I guaranty it.  So, sit back people and find out the reasons you are not losing weight as you should, and what you can do to get back on track.

Thanks, and do have a wonderful weekend!


Everybody is different and these differences also apply to the ways in which we lose weight and build muscle. The greatest mistake or disservice you can do to yourself is to assume that there is a “one size fits all” diet plan or exercise routine out there, because there isn’t! there are a lot of fad diets and fad exercise programs out there and the diet plan or exercise routine that worked for the muscular fitness trainer trying to sell it to you on YouTube or Instagram might not necessarily work for you. So, if you are not losing weight as you should, try out different fitness programs and exercises till you find the ones that work for you, don’t stick with what the online “expert” sold to you.


The gym is a wonderful place to get motivated, work out and lose weight, but it is not the only place to be mindful of exercise and losing weight. In fact, you can burn quite a lot of calories outside the gym with the proper mindset. There are people for example who will willingly walk or run on the treadmill for an hour but once out of the gym, you can’t get them to walk 50 feet! That is the wrong mind set and mentality, never switch off from the opportunity to exercise, gym day or not. Please take the stairs at every opportunity, drive a bit less, walk at every given opportunity, get the picture? Even playing with your children or spouse can add to those burnt calories too. Taken together, all these activities can help ensure that even though you don’t get to the gym as often as you mean to, you can still do things that go a long way in ensuring your long-term fitness and weight loss goals are met.


I can never ever emphasize enough the benefits of a good night’s sleep and the harm caused by sleeplessness to your waistline. Sleep is essential but for your mental health and your physical wellbeing, if you aren’t getting 7 to 8 hours a day, your stress hormone levels will rise(cortisol) and an elevated level of cortisol hampers your body’s ability to burn fat. So even if you are lifting more weights than Arnold and can outrun Mo Farah, you might still find yourself unable to lose that stubborn body fat. Sleeping well is crucial to your losing weight, understand?


Mental health issues or worries can affect your ability to lose weight in a multitude of ways. From stress which can change your hormones to depression which can cause you to withdraw from others and not care about taking care of your body and physical health. If you are having trouble losing weight it might be due to some underlying mental health issue that you need to deal with, like I wrote earlier stress and depression can affect your hormones, leading to an inability to lose weight and even weight gain in some instances. Please do a simple check of the issues in your life and how they affect you, it can help lift the weight off your shoulders and your waistline.


I don’t want you to misunderstand me on this as I am actually a huge fan of training solo, I find that it helps me stay focused and concentrate. However, there are instances where two or more sets of biceps are better than one. When you find yourself in a rut, unable to push yourself further and make fitness gains, you should seriously consider getting a training partner, preferably someone tougher, stronger and maybe more intense than you are. A partner might just be the shock you need to improve your intensity in the gym, and the more intense your workout, the better your fat burning. Remember you are looking for a workout partner not a gisting buddy, leave that for after the gym!

Well there you have it folks, my top 5 tips for reigniting your weight loss efforts, both in and out of the gym. I seriously believe these tips can help you with your journey to weight loss heaven, but remember: get your nutrition under control first and everything falls into place.
Thanks, and do have a wonderful weekend!

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