Friday 23 March 2018


Hello everyone hope you are having a wonderful week? If not, don’t worry, I’ve got something for you to look forward to this weekend.  As promised and in continuation of our series on bodyweight exercises you can do at home, today I present 8 more bodyweight exercises you can do at home with minimal equipment and saves you a lot of time and money.

If you liked our first part last week, you are going to love this, I guarantee it! If you missed the first part, don’t fret, just check back at

Thanks and do have a wonderful weekend!

1.       PULL UP:

This is a wonderful bodyweight exercise and a test of strength for every red blooded male alive out there. If you want to build upper body strength, this is the workout for you! The pull up strengthens your arms, shoulders, chest and back at the same time and can be very challenging for first timers.


For this you need a strong platform higher than your grasp but strong enough to take your weight, at home I use the staircase landing as my anchor, stretch your arms above your head and grip the ledge firmly, cross and fold your legs as illustrated and pull yourself up slowly until your chin is at the platform level and then gradually lower yourself till your arms are full extended and then repeat the exercise.


Another variation on the classic push up (there must be like a million!) this one is one of my favourites, master it and you will not only have a chest to rival Superman’s but you will have arms the size of legs too! The close grip push up specifically targets the inner chest and the triceps, giving you that wonderfully cut chest you have always wanted. It takes more effort than the regular push up, but the results are well worth the extra effort.


Assume the push up position with your body parallel to the ground, on your hands and toes, but push your hand closer together not more than 6 inches apart close to the inside of your chest, then press up until your arms are almost fully extended, hold the position for a second, then lower yourself slowly. Do not let your chest touch the ground, repeat until fatigue sets in.

3.       BURPEE:

This is one workout you must do, that’s it! The Burpee is an all in all bodyweight exercise you need in your arsenal, why? The burpee is an intense cardio workout, great for fat loss; it will work your arms, legs, chest and back at the same time, don’t forget the cardio workout too! The burpee can be mastered in a relatively short time.


Stand straight with your arms at your side and legs shoulder width apart, go down into a squat position, on hitting the down position, you immediately switch into a push up position hands planted and your legs straight out behind you (as illustrated) that’s part one. Then draw yourself back into a squat position and immediately switch from that to the initial standing position, done it? Then repeat again! It will take you a few workouts to get the rhythm and timing right, but as you build stamina you will be able to execute this move faster, and without thinking!


Don’t worry if you look like a fish out of water while doing this, there’s a method behind the madness! The prone or “lying” back extension helps develop strength in your lower back and helps you keep good posture and improves your strength for lifting weights and heavy objects. The lower back is not a very “glamorous” body part, so it’s often neglected, don’t make that mistake.


Lie down on the floor or an exercise mat, face down, with your arms at your side, your head and chin should be tilted up. Raise your chest and shoulders off the ground as high as you can, while at the same time raising your feet off the ground also (see illustration) hold the position for about 5 seconds, squeezing your lower back muscles as hard as you can. Then release and relax for a few seconds and repeat the squeeze.


Did I mention that there are a million push up variations? The diamond push up is another fine gem for building strength in your upper body, the advantage of this variation is that it engages more muscles in your chest back shoulders and arms and as a result is one of the more effective push up variations, its major drawback is the arm positioning which can put stress on your shoulder joints if not executed properly.


Assume the push up position, however position your hands in such a way that your elbows are in a more flared position and make sure that your hands are directly under your chest (see illustration). Flex your chest and arm muscles and push up off the ground, do not let your arms extend fully; hold the position for a second. Then lower yourself back down without letting your chest touch down and repeat again. It’s a tough one but it’s worth it!

6.       BOX JUMP:

The box jump is a wonderful conditioning exercise everyone should try, it helps to burn fat, build muscles in your thighs and helps develop explosive power in your thighs which can be used in other physical activities. The box jump will also help develop your stamina through cardio vascular conditioning and will also help you burn fat, you need only minimal equipment, if you don’t have a workout bench to use then the pavement outside will do the job just fine!


Stand in front of the bench or pavement, it should be at least a foot higher than the ground to make the jump challenging, make sure the box/bench is sturdy enough to bear your weight, or as I prefer, just find a raised pavement on your jogging route, it will do nicely and is total unmoving. Stand before the object and then in one motion, jump off the ground with both feet and land solidly on the jump surface, immediately you land go down in a squat position and jump off, rest for just a few seconds and repeat the jump on and off again, repeat the movement until you are totally fatigued!


This is a wonderful workout that targets your core muscles, that is your abdominals, sides (obliques) and your back at the same time, the mountain climber has a few variations and they all have one thing in common, PAIN! The mountain climber is a modification of the plank, If you are tired of sit ups, crunches and the boring old plank, then I highly recommend this ab building exercise for you, it’s even got a bit of cardio conditioning thrown in for good measure.


Get down on your toes and elbows, in a plank position, tense your abs and hold them in, making sure your butt is not sticking up in the air or sagging towards the ground. Then moving the one at a time, bring in your right leg, knee bent, as close as possible to your chest but just outside your elbow then extend it back out again immediately do the same with your left leg and repeat the process again until exhaustion, which will come soon!


Last but by no means least, comes another all-time favourite of mine, the bodyweight squat. Its pretty self-explanatory as an exercise and I love it because its basic, simple to understand and super effective. It helps to burn fat throughout your body, while developing strength and definition in your legs; it’s also a good cardio workout that will leave you struggling from breath after a good set. If you have plans for going into the gym later but need to build fundamental strength in your legs first, you can never go wrong with this exercise.


Stand straight with your legs shoulder width apart and your arms down at your sides; keep your back and shoulders straight. Go down into the squat, be sure to bend first at your hips, as if you are trying to sit down in an imaginary chair, bend at the hip before bending at the knees. Go down into the squat as deep as you can, with your butt lower than your knees or at worst parallel to them. Hold the posture for one second, them go back up slowly to your standing start position and repeat as required.
exercises to help you burn fat, build muscle and get strong, don’t be a stranger and do try them out today, what have you got to lose? For more information on workouts, diet, nutrition etc. please go to

Thanks! Have a wonderful weekend!

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