Friday 6 April 2018


You work out diligently, your nutrition is near perfect, yet you are not getting the fat burning and muscle building results you want. The only question left to ask is “what about your supplementation routine?”

Getting fit and staying fit requires a lot of hard work and dedication as well as knowledge, knowledge about supplementation is important and can never be over emphasized. Right off I need to let you know that if you eat rubbish or are not dedicated and focused in your exercise, you can pop all the pills you like and swallow as many shakes as possible, it won’t make much difference! Supplements are just that, to supplement hard work and dedication, it’s not a replacement.

Now that we have got that out of the way, today I will be looking at the best supplements to take before and after your workout, I am writing this with a shoestring budget in mind so it’s not a long list, I have selected the bare and most basic supplements you need to build the body of your dreams. Stick to them, with the proper workout and nutritional program and I promise you, results will come faster.

Thanks and have a wonderful weekend!

1.       CAFFEINE:

Caffeine is a powerful nervous system stimulant that is rapidly absorbed by your body and quickly crosses into your brain. Caffeine attaches itself to certain receptors in your brain and the end result is a brain full of adrenaline and noradrenaline which produces feelings of energy.
Through this mechanism and others, pre workout caffeine supplementation dampens perceived exertion and muscle fatigue during exercise. Its benefits also extend to post workout recovery, reducing your perception of muscle soreness and pain. The end result of taking caffeine before exercising is that you can work out longer and harder and recover quicker with it in your arsenal.


Take around 200milligrams of caffeine 30 to 60 minutes before your workout, which should be enough for most adults unless you suffer from caffeine sensitivity. More is not always better so do not go overboard with caffeine intake. If you are taking instant coffee instead of pills, that’s still okay, one full teaspoon should be enough for your workout.


Creatine has been around the gym for about 50 years and there is a reason why it’s so popular, it works!!  Creatine exists in nature and can be derived from eating beef and other sources of red meat, we supplement creatine because we don’t get enough from our natural food sources.  Creatine is rapidly taken in and stored in muscles. Creatine helps the muscles to produce Adenosine Tri Phosphate (ATP) which help provide energy to your muscles at the molecular level. Having elevated creatine levels promotes increases in strength and power during workouts while reducing rest and recovery times.


Creatine can be taken 30 t0 60 minutes before your workout and immediately after your workout as it’s benefits include increased power and reduced recovery time, just follow the instructions of any brand you decide to buy, be sure that you get at least 5grams from a daily dose, anything less and you are being ripped off.

3.       L- CITRULLINE:

A common pre workout ingredient, helps prevent muscle fatigue, and helps in the production of energy by increasing the rate of ATP production. L Citrulline converts to Arginine which converts to Nitrogen Oxide (NO) in the body. NO increases blood flow, nutrient supply and waste removal in working muscles. Taking Citrulline as part of a pre workout supplement combats exercise fatigue, time to exhaustion and substantially decreases muscle soreness during your exercise.


If you are a hard trainer I recommend buying a pre workout mix that has at least 5 grams of citrulline included, be sure to take it 30 to 60 minutes before exercise.

4.       BCAA :

BCAA stands for Branched Chain Amino Acids and is one of my favourite supplements period! BCAA serves both as a pre and post workout supplement and it was difficult for me to decide where it belongs, so I am including it in both lists!
The BCAA’s include; Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine and are stored in the muscle where the body converts them to energy during heavy, time intensive exercise. Taking BCAA pre workout helps increase Amino acids in your blood and what this does is provide energy for you to workout, without which, your body would break down your muscles in a mad search for amino acids, so BCAA is a muscle preserver.


Take 5 to 10 grams of BCAA before your exercise and about 5 grams after to aid recovery. Take it at least 30 minutes before exercise and for an extra boost sip a little throughout your exercise. When buying BCAA look for a brand with a formulation mix of leucine: Isoleucine: Valine in the ratio of at least 2:1:1, anything less is no good.


You are tired, you have just put your body through hell, and it doesn’t matter what you did, cardio, cycling, jogging or heavy weight training. Your body needs its fix of post workout supplement to aid recovery, fat burning and muscle building. Below is a list of the most important post workout supplements that you need to maximize you fitness gains.


The “king” of post workout supplements, it doesn’t matter the nature of your workout, or the sport you engage in, you cannot go wrong with whey. Whey protein is derived from milk and is the most ideal post workout protein source. Whey protein isolate is ideal for recovery, it contains high levels of BCAA and promotes a spike in blood insulin levels post workout, this enables your body to pull glycogen faster from your blood to your fatigued muscles, leading to quicker recovery.


For the best results, take 20 t0 30grams of whey protein immediately after your workout, be careful to buy a supplement brand that has at least 20 grams of whey in its contents label and is not just filled with sugar and other junk to give it weight.

2.       BETAINE:

The post-workout period is an ideal time to take advantage of the body's superior absorption. Taking betaine post-workout not only ensures absorption, but also promotes muscle protein synthesis, through lowering homocysteine levels Additionally, the most positive studies into betaine's effects have involved subjects taking it twice a day.

 Take 2 grams of betaine immediately after training.

3.       BCAA:

We have already treated this as a pre workout, but also note that BCAA is a fantastic post workout supplement. It aids muscle recovery post workout and lowers fatigue, for more detail just revert to the section of BCAA’s as a pre workout.

Thanks and do have a wonderful weekend!

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