Thursday 20 February 2014

10 Things you probably don’t know about Sylvester Stallone

We here at corefitness cant get enough of the sly one. His life should be made into a movie! He rose from poverty and ill health to become one of the biggest stars of the 20th century and also one of the truly fit celebrities of our time. In previous posts we have looked at how he became a health and fitness icon as well as one of the biggest movie stars on the planet. Today i want to round off  on a light note with this fun trivia on Stallone. How many of this facts did you know before today?  Give us a shout  by subscribing to our weekly post.

Do have a lovely day!

 Sly was born on the 6th of July 1946 with his trade mark sneer; it was caused by an inexperienced medical intern who helped deliver him. Rough use of medical forceps cut a facial never in baby Sylvester causing the permanent droopy look and sneer. Didn’t seem to affect his career though! 

Young Sylvester was a short skinny kid who got bullied frequently at school and as a result got obsessed with getting big and strong like Steve reeves(pictured below)

 So he started working out but he had no money for gym and weights were expensive, he wound up sneaking into auto yards at night and stealing heavy engine parts which he used to fabricate homemade barbells.

 As a young boy Stallone was a problem student and got expelled from no fewer than 14 different schools! His offences included fighting, lighting fires, firing arrows from windows and stealing a nun’s crucifix. It got so bad that the only school that would accept him was found in Switzerland.

4.       ODD JOBS:
While trying to launch an acting career he had to keep body and soul together with a variety of odd jobs which included being a hairdresser, cleaning out the cages of lions at the central park zoo and being an usher at a cinema. He got fired from this last job for trying to sell tickets to the owner at inflated prices!

Rocky Vs Mr. T

Having been inspired by the Mohammed Ali/Chuck wepner fight, Stallone wrote the script for rocky in 3 days while his then wife Sasha typed it up. The studios offered him $350,000 for the script but wanted another actor as rocky. Stallone with a pregnant wife and less than $100 in the bank held out for the role and eventually got his first starring role for much less money. It was the beginning of wonderful things, and he even got a part for his dog!


Stallone the Goalie!
Stallone and Pele

He dislocated his shoulder while playing the role of the goalkeeper in the 1980 prisoner of war movie “escape to victory” which also starred the great Pele. Thinking football (soccer to them) a weak sport, he refused to use a stunt double or even train for the role. He ended up regretting that!

7.       HE WAS FAT:
For his role in the movie “Copland” Stallone gained a huge amount of weight. He put on 40 pounds of fat to play the role of a local Sheriff and won great critical acclaim for this. However he soon developed high blood pressure and back pain. His favorite food for weight gain was pancakes, lots of them. 
With Robert De Niro in Copland


His character Rambo has the distinction of being in two of the bloodiest movies of all time. According to the Guinness book of world records Rambo 3 was the most violent movie of all time with 221 acts of violence and 108 deaths. Amazingly Stallone topped this with 2008’s “Rambo” which had an amazing 236 deaths, approximately two and a half screen deaths every minute! 
Rambo! Can you spot the dangling body part?

9.       ROCKY 4 INJURY:

Stallone doesn’t do anything by half measures, and he got in trouble on the set of rocky 4 due to this. While filming a fight scene Stallone dared Dolph Lundgren to punch him as hard as he could in the chest, Dolph dully obliged him. Stallone wound up in intensive care with a swollen heart. Other injuries have included; body shock (Rocky 3), broken ribs (Rambo and escape to victory), and a broken neck (The expendables). 


Stallone,Tyson,Chaves at Boxing Hall of Fame Induction

Vladimir Klitschko, Manny Pacquiao, Oscar de la Hoya and Sylvester Stallone. Can you guess the odd man out? It’s Stallone, but not for the reason you think. He is the only one of all the above names who has been inducted into the boxing hall of fame, and he isn’t even a real boxer! It just goes to show you the impact his roles in rocky have had on sports, boxing and fitness

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