Friday 16 June 2017


Let’s get this straight; I am not talking about skin bleaching! For the purposes of this post toning refers to muscular definition. From my experience in the gym, a lot of women want to tone their bodies; special areas of interest are the arms and love handles. However a lot of ladies are scared of developing muscular, macho looking bodies and because of this they go about the whole process of “toning” all wrong and end up with unsatisfactory results. Today’s post is inspired by all the women who want to have a lean body, neither flabby nor muscular but don’t know how to go about it, this is for you! Before we get into the meat and bones of it, you should note that I love weights, weights are part of the solution, and you have to stop being scared of weights! If you are a woman you cannot turn into the incredible hulk overnight, it’s freaking impossible!