Friday 18 September 2015


Have you ever tried to eat healthy? I have, and I can tell you that from firsthand experience it can be daunting and frustrating! We all know the basic rules, don't overeat, don't eat late, reduce bad fats and avoid added sugar like its the devil!

However I am willing to bet that nobody ever told you about avoiding hidden food additives. Have you ever seen that woman at the super market who keeps on reading and rereading food labels without seemingly making up her mind? Don't blame her and if you knew what she knows you would be as paranoid as she is!  

Friday 4 September 2015


We all Workout for different reasons, whether it’s for the “high” of running till you are out of breath or the “pump”  you get from working your muscles to death. While exercise jargon can be confusing, what is not in doubt is that we need to maximize those precious minutes we squeeze out of our busy schedules to exercise.
To get the best out of your workout, you need to plug energy leaks in your workout. Energy leaks can best be summed up in two ways; they are those bad habits you have picked up that retard your progress, two they are those good habits you have not yet inculcated into your workout to help make the most of it.
The good news is that its pretty easy to fix these leakages. Below are my favourite tips for improving your workout, I guarantee that if you apply them to your workout you will get your desired results, whether its burning off that pot belly, losing the spare tire or building an incredible 6 pack, it works for everything!

Still here? Better get to it!
Thanks, and do have a wonderful day!


Have you noticed that anything that is dehydrated looks shrunken and lifeless? Think of dried fruit and you get the picture. Well that’s the same effect you get from not drinking enough water during your workout.The more hydrated you are the easier it is for your muscles to fight fatigue and cramp, this is especially important when lifting weights and running long distance. If you have ever had “muscle pull” while running or playing football then you have found your culprit! To nip it in the bud, be sure to drink enough water before, during and especially after your workout.

Saturday 9 May 2015


Caveat Emptor!

 If you are in the business of buying and selling then you have probably heard this Latin phrase more times than you care to remember! We all know that it means “let the buyer beware!” So how does this relate to female training and fitness? Well this world of ours is one huge market, full of hustlers and more. There is so much information and misinformation about what is right and wrong about any given fitness topic that you just have to be careful about buying into everything you are told.

If you are a woman (or Man) who wants to get back in shape, lose weight or just live a healthier lifestyle. It’s safe for me to assume that you would probably consult the internet for information, and here’s where it can get tricky as you try to sift through all the information at hand and you end up consulting multiple sources and you'll often get multiple answers. What I want to do today is to clear up all the smoke that can cloud your thinking. I have decided to address six common misconceptions when it comes to women's training, nutrition and weight loss. Thereby saving you the confusion—and lost time—that comes from Googling it!

Ladies if you just scroll down you will find out real answers to questions that have kept you out of the gym and from creating your perfect body, so please read on and find out the whole unadulterated truth and if you are a guy don’t close the page. You will find useful tips for your better half and she will love you all the more for it. So what are you waiting for?

Do have a lovely day!

MYTH 1: Lifting heavy will make you look like a man
Chei! This has to be number one and we have all heard it before! Sadly a lot of people buy into this and don’t exercise. Ladies let’s cut the BS once and for all,  it isn’t true! It’s true that any woman who lifts weights over time will become progressively stronger, but that doesn't mean that she'll physically start to look like a man. You see, women produce very little testosterone compared to men. Even serious female trainers with years of experience can't build the bulky muscle you see on male bodybuilders. So don’t fret about looking like a man ok? I know you have seen women who look like the incredible hulk and I have only this to say: STEROIDS! If you are not into that, then you have nothing to fear. For the normal woman, the process of becoming stronger and building lean muscle mass is the accumulation of dozens—if not hundreds of workouts. By adding lean mass to your body, you burn more calories on a daily basis and stay leaner. So don't be afraid to grab some heavier weights!

Steroids in Action!

Natural weight training!

Sunday 3 May 2015


Iyanya's got it!

Abs! Abs! Abs! Everybody is talking about them, every guy wants them (yes even you!) No thanks to our recent celebrity culture and social media. Every day we are assaulted with images of Iyanya’s chiseled midsection or flavour’s flat six pack. It’s enough to make any couch potato sick and green with envy, hell maybe even both! Ladies are not left out as even they are not immune from the celebrity “flat tummy”.

So its established we all wish our abs could be flat and muscular, but at this junction reality bites! Years of not caring, not eating right and the sheer weight of work and family stress in this rat race called life have taken its toll and most of us look more like Rick Ross than Usher!

There is good news and bad news. The good news is that you can still get the abs you want, the bad news is you are going to have to work very hard for it! To guide you along this path, I have developed what I call the Nine Ninjas of abs development. They are a set of rules that govern how you exercise your abs, follow them and you will release the Iyanya in you quicker than you can say kukere! Trust me! And if you are a total stranger to Abs training or working out, the video below will be of great help to you. So what are you waiting for? Get off that couch and be who you really want to be, you deserve it!

Thanks and do have a lovely day!

Do your abs at the Start of Your Workout

Sunday 15 February 2015



Fiber!  It’s arguably one of the most important things in your diet. Now almost everybody has heard about the need to have more fiber in their diet, but what exactly IS fiber and why is it so important to our health and wellbeing? The first thing you should know about fiber is that I am not talking about the material in your shirt! The craziest thing about fiber is that your body does not absorb or digest it yet it is as important for your health as protein and carbohydrates, in fact not having enough fiber in your diet will make your trips to the toilet a living nightmare instead of a pleasant cargo discharge! If you know what I am talking about then you definitely need to read this piece!  A lack of fiber in the diet can have more dire health consequences than problems in the toilet; cancer and death can be on the horizon if a lack of dietary fiber is not addressed. I am not trying to scare you but just laying down the facts, what really scares me is that there is an overabundance of dietary fiber in Nigeria yet most people lack it and are not aware they lack it. What we want to do here at corefitness is to make you aware of dietary fiber, why you should make it a must in your diet and how you can get enough of it.

Sunday 1 February 2015



This will be my fourth post on cholesterol in the last year; please don’t get angry or bored it’s just that this topic is too important to overlook for long. High Cholesterol is a potential killer and precursor to heart disease. Conversely, high cholesterol is probably one of the most misunderstood and feared health issues of our generation, there are so many myths and misconceptions including my favourite “I am not fat, I don’t have high cholesterol!”  The truth is that you will never know your cholesterol levels till you get tested. Once again, I want to help you set the records straight on what you should know about cholesterol and how it affects you. Here at Corefitness we are all about education and entertainment, so  I invite you to take a very simple test on what you know and what you think you know about our frenemy called cholesterol. I hope you find this piece interesting and I hope it also scares you a little into making to lifestyle changes that will help lower your blood cholesterol and lead a fitter and healthier life.

Thanks and do have a wonderful day!

Sunday 25 January 2015


I will not say happy new year, as it cannot explain my absence for the last few months nor will I say compliments of the season as I don’t know how you are feeling right now! I will however apologize for the title of today’s post as the second part sounds like a Nike commercial!

RESOLUTION! I have never liked the word, when I hear it what comes to mind is a radical change, ill-conceived and ill executed and doomed to fail.  Personally I prefer the word COMMITMENT which brings to mind actions based on well thought out plans with perfection as the final destination. Now perfection is almost impossible to achieve so with commitment you keep on chasing it, with resolutions, especially the “new year” ones you are liable to give up when adversity strikes.
There is a wonderful story I stumbled across recently that illustrates what commitment can do for you.