Saturday 23 February 2019


With so much advice on how to effectively lose weight floating around the net, the whole process can seem so complicated that it can be likened to rocket science! Like rocket science it can also leave you frustrated and put you off on trying to lose weight. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way, weight loss is really as far from rocket science as it gets, there are a few basic principles to learn and stick to and I guarantee you, results will never be far off.

Today, in the first of a two part series, I will be giving you 21 quick, easy and uncomplicated tips to help you burn fat and lose that gut, these are simply twists to your lifestyle and nutrition that can kickstart your journey to health and fitness. I bet you thought it hard to be difficult to be effective right? Not so people, are you ready?

Thanks for reading, and do have a wonderful weekend!                                    

1.      Have a clear goal of what you want to achieve; it should be something anybody, anywhere in the world can understand at a glance, be it fat loss, muscle gain etc. Have you goal written out and pasted where you can easily see it whenever you are tempted to give up.

2.      Drink tea; research suggests that those who drink tea often (green, black or white) have lower BMI’s and less body fat than those who don’t consume tea.

3.      Eat more Pepper; studies have shown that capsaicin, the active ingredient in cayenne pepper helps to boost your metabolism and hence increases your body’s fat burning ability.

Friday 8 February 2019


Everybody loves LL! This is a tribute that I should have written in January 2018 when he turned 50 years old, the word “ICON” is thrown about so much nowadays, that it seems to have lost its meaning, well today there is only one word that aptly describes this multi talented, multi award winning rapper/producer/actor/businessman: Iconic!

Now before you guys think that corefitness has gone from fitness to a hip hop blog, there is a reason for us talking about LL Cool J, apart from the fact that he has accomplished so much, he is a fantastic physical specimen, one of those guys that look better at 50 than he did at 25! So today we honour him by looking at how he keeps himself on top of his game, defying early adversity; aged 4, his father shot and nearly killed his mother and grandfather, yet he shook it all off to become the monumental success that he is today, and with abs to die for. No wonder the Ladies Love Cool James.

Friday 1 February 2019


Everybody has heard of fat burners, those magic pills that just melt away all that nasty fat blocking the beauty of your six pack, those malignant love handles and that evil cellulite hanging on your thighs like parasites! The truth is not that dramatic I’m afraid, fat burners are supplements after all and like all supplements they are meant to assist or boost your main fat burning efforts not become it. No fat burner, no matter what its advertisers claim can replace the time trusted methods of healthy nutrition, portion control and heavy work in the gym, get that straight right at the beginning.

However, fat burners can and do play a role as part your health and fitness plan, when you KNOW that you are eating right, watching your portion size and exercising to the best of your ability and the pounds are still not coming off as they should , then and only then in my opinion should you reach for those pills. Do fat burners work? In my experience, if you get the right ones, yes. Should you always use them, no!