Saturday 4 October 2014


Low sperm count! This phrase is becoming more common by the day. It seems that the more our society embraces western life and technology, the more we have to grapple with this problem that was relatively alien during the time of our fathers. Truth is men have always had issues with fertility but society always blamed the woman. However due to modern science we now know better, in fact about half the cases of infertility can be traced to male problems. Today I would like to briefly outline the most common causes of low sperm count, simple lifestyle adjustments and supplementation that can help improve the situation. If you know anybody who needs help in this department then this post will be of great help, of this I can guarantee. I know I have been off the radar for a while, what can I say? Life’s challenges can be somewhat overwhelming at times. Here’s wishing you guys a wonderfully long weekend and Barka de Sallah!  

Do have a wonderful day!

Causes of Low Sperm Count:

Semen production is a complex process that involves the hypothalamus and pituitary glands as well as the functioning of the testicles. Low sperm count may be caused by a number of health issues. These may include but are not limited to the following:


  Infections of the scrotum may interfere with semen production and block the passage of sperm with heavy scarring. This includes STDs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, as well as prostate inflammation, mumps, and urinary tract infections.

Problems with Ejaculation:

 Problems such as retrograde ejaculation occur when sperm backtracks into the bladder during ejaculation. Underlying causes include diabetes, spinal injuries, and bladder surgery.

Abnormal seminal fluid:

Usually the fluid is thick and as a result, the sperm are unable to make their way through the vaginal tract. Thicker fluid also has a greater amount of dead sperm, which can cause live sperm to die before reaching the uterus. Issues with the ductal system, obstructions, missing vas deferens, scar tissue from an infection, can also cause low sperm; even a hernia can cause issues.

Hormone Problems:

 Sperm production is regulated by the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and testes. Hormone imbalances which include changes in the thyroid and adrenal glands can suppress semen production.


Bodybuilders and athletes beware!  Steroids which help to increase muscle mass and increase athletic performance suppress the ability of the testes to produce testosterone. Decreasing natural testosterone has a direct impact on the amount of sperm produced. They can even affect the hypothalamus and pituitary glands even after the steroids have been stopped. This effect can be permanent.


 Guys please pay special attention to this point! Not only is alcohol a depressant, it can also affect the hormonal axis and is a directly toxic to your testicles! It is linked to liver ­dysfunction, nutritional deficiencies and in high quantities it can contribute to decreased sperm production. Guys I know total abstinence is a stretch so its best to limit yourself to no more than an average of 1 drink a day, and no you cannot drink it all at once!

Chemical Exposure:

 Exposure to industrial chemicals such as toluene, benzenes, herbicides, pesticides, and organic solvents can have a detrimental effect on semen volume and count.


 Being overweight can lead to increased estrogen levels, reduced testosterone and ultimately reduced sperm counts as well as less mobile and less motile sperm. Some studies have suggested that obese men tend to have altered levels of testosterone and other reproductive hormones as compared to men who are of normal weight.


Research shows that smokers have sperm counts that are on average 13-17% lower than those who do not. Furthermore, smokers lose an average of 10-15 years from their life expectancy and nearly half will die from a smoking-related disease.


Now for the good news, more than 50% of the cases of low sperm count are treatable. Treatment depends on exactly what is causing the problem. Once you understand the cause of your low sperm count you can develop a treatment plan that has a higher chance of success.
There is also a great deal of natural treatment plans available outside of seeing a doctor. A great number of the issues can be treated though natural methods which include exercise, temperature control, emotional wellbeing, and multivitamin supplements. Below are some of the more common natural treatments for low sperm count.

Control Your Body Fat:

Eating a healthy diet is one of the best means of improving sperm count. A healthy diet will help you maintain a healthy weight. Try your best to avoid sugar, junk food and fried foods that can easily pack on the pounds. Having a healthy amount of body fat but not too much can go a long way to helping with sperm count. Overweight people have a greater chance of developing lower sperm levels than those that are height and weight proportionate. By eating healthy and exercising regularly, you can reduce body fat and create a healthier environment for sperm.

Moderate Exercise:

Moderate exercise is recommended as studies have shown it can boost healthy sperm production. The key word here is “moderate”.  Just as with everything in life, excess is never a good thing when it comes to exercise. Over training puts stress on your body and nervous system and increases your stress levels.
Athletes are at a higher risk for low sperm which can be attributed to over training. Exercise surprisingly can also have a direct impact on s your sperm production especially in athletes, however generally the amount of exercise required to reach this level equals 100 miles a week for runners and greater than 50 miles for cyclists. So if you do less than that you are safe.

Watch Your Crotch:

If you wear tight underwear, sit for long periods, use laptop computers directly on your lap with no protection you could experience the same overheating as if you were to use hot tubs on a regular basis. Consider changing to looser underwear, boring old boxer shorts is better for your sperm than briefs or tights. Also, getting up on a regular basis and walking around and either use your laptop on a table or purchase a laptop tray that can support the computer away from your lap.


This is a very big deal. Due to the stress and pollution we face every day as well as our terrible diets most of us are deficient in the vitamins and minerals our bodies need for healthy sperm production. Hence the need to supplement the following:

Zinc (15-60 mg/day):

Zinc deficiencies can dramatically reduce sperm count. This is why it is recommended you intake between 15-60 mg/day for optimum health.

L-Arginine (2-4g/day):

 Studies have shown that Arginine boosts sperm count and motility. Research performed by the University of Michigan found taking L-arginine for several months showed 62% of the participant’s experienced significant improvements in sperm count.
A 2006 study published in the “Biology of Reproduction” journal found that L-arginine improved the synthesis of nitric oxide by sperm cells. Sperm requires nitric oxide during the fertilization cycle. In addition, sperm motility was improved.
According to the American Medical Association, approximately 31% of men suffer from sexual dysfunction. Because L-Arginine is an essential amino acid and improves testosterone production it is considered and safe and effective for restoring sexual vitality. This occurs through synthesis of nitric oxide, which improves blood circulation to the penis and helps keep erections firm. Insufficient blood flow can often lead to soft erections. These are some of the many benefits of taking L-Arginine supplementation.


Researchers have concluded that this amino acids plus zinc increases sperm produced, stimulates testosterone production, and improves semen quality.

B-12 (10-100mcg/day):

 B-12 along with B-Complex can restore balance to testosterone levels and increase total sperm count. In one study, men who were deficient in B-vitamins took 1,000 mcg of Vitamin B12 daily and experienced a 400% increase in total sperm count.

Selenium (100-200mcg/day):

 Selenium deficiencies are responsible for fragile sperm with immotile deformed tails. Selenium is an essential mineral and micronutrient for health sperm count. In one double-blind study, researchers found that sperm counts increases 100% after supplementation with selenium.

Essential Fatty Acids:

 Omega 3-6-9 supplements contain fatty acids such as that found in oily fish like mackerel or ground flax seed. They work by helping to lower your risk of diabetes and heart disease while improving overall health and boosting sperm count.

Coenzyme Q10 (30-100mg/day): 

Studies show that daily supplementation of Q10 can improve sperm motility in infertile men. Coenzyme Q10 is active in the testes and plays an important role as an antioxidant in developing the membranes and other components within cells by counteracting oxidative stress.

Vitamin A: Vitamin A helps to improve sperm production.

Vitamin C (500-1500mg/day): 

Numerous studies show that Vitamin C protects the body from harmful pollution such as agricultural chemicals and other toxins. It also reduces DNA damage to sperm by up to 91% while reducing agglutination and abnormalities.

L Carnitine (1500mg/day):

Studies have also shown that supplementation of L Carnitine can help develop healthy sperm and boost male fertility.

Do Supplements Work?

A lot of people ask this question all the time. Let’s be honest there are all sorts of product out there claiming to cure male infertility. If you have ever walked by a major bus stop in Lagos, then you know that “staph” is the cause of all problems and Doctor Do Goods concoction the only cure! Run from him! However I can vouch for the above listed supplements. They have tried and tested and they work. To get the benefits of supplementation, there are many good multivitamins available in health stores good brands that can give you the required daily amounts include: 

However, you will need to buy the following supplements individually: fish oil, Vitamin C, L- Arginine, L- carnitine and Q10 as they are either not present or their  quantities are too low in general multivitamins.

Feel free to contact me on how you can purchase them if required. Thanks a million for reading and do have a wonderful day!