Saturday 4 October 2014


Low sperm count! This phrase is becoming more common by the day. It seems that the more our society embraces western life and technology, the more we have to grapple with this problem that was relatively alien during the time of our fathers. Truth is men have always had issues with fertility but society always blamed the woman. However due to modern science we now know better, in fact about half the cases of infertility can be traced to male problems. Today I would like to briefly outline the most common causes of low sperm count, simple lifestyle adjustments and supplementation that can help improve the situation. If you know anybody who needs help in this department then this post will be of great help, of this I can guarantee. I know I have been off the radar for a while, what can I say? Life’s challenges can be somewhat overwhelming at times. Here’s wishing you guys a wonderfully long weekend and Barka de Sallah!  

Do have a wonderful day!

Causes of Low Sperm Count:

Semen production is a complex process that involves the hypothalamus and pituitary glands as well as the functioning of the testicles. Low sperm count may be caused by a number of health issues. These may include but are not limited to the following:


  Infections of the scrotum may interfere with semen production and block the passage of sperm with heavy scarring. This includes STDs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, as well as prostate inflammation, mumps, and urinary tract infections.

Problems with Ejaculation:

 Problems such as retrograde ejaculation occur when sperm backtracks into the bladder during ejaculation. Underlying causes include diabetes, spinal injuries, and bladder surgery.

Abnormal seminal fluid:

Usually the fluid is thick and as a result, the sperm are unable to make their way through the vaginal tract. Thicker fluid also has a greater amount of dead sperm, which can cause live sperm to die before reaching the uterus. Issues with the ductal system, obstructions, missing vas deferens, scar tissue from an infection, can also cause low sperm; even a hernia can cause issues.

Hormone Problems:

 Sperm production is regulated by the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and testes. Hormone imbalances which include changes in the thyroid and adrenal glands can suppress semen production.


Bodybuilders and athletes beware!  Steroids which help to increase muscle mass and increase athletic performance suppress the ability of the testes to produce testosterone. Decreasing natural testosterone has a direct impact on the amount of sperm produced. They can even affect the hypothalamus and pituitary glands even after the steroids have been stopped. This effect can be permanent.


 Guys please pay special attention to this point! Not only is alcohol a depressant, it can also affect the hormonal axis and is a directly toxic to your testicles! It is linked to liver ­dysfunction, nutritional deficiencies and in high quantities it can contribute to decreased sperm production. Guys I know total abstinence is a stretch so its best to limit yourself to no more than an average of 1 drink a day, and no you cannot drink it all at once!

Chemical Exposure:

 Exposure to industrial chemicals such as toluene, benzenes, herbicides, pesticides, and organic solvents can have a detrimental effect on semen volume and count.


 Being overweight can lead to increased estrogen levels, reduced testosterone and ultimately reduced sperm counts as well as less mobile and less motile sperm. Some studies have suggested that obese men tend to have altered levels of testosterone and other reproductive hormones as compared to men who are of normal weight.


Research shows that smokers have sperm counts that are on average 13-17% lower than those who do not. Furthermore, smokers lose an average of 10-15 years from their life expectancy and nearly half will die from a smoking-related disease.


Now for the good news, more than 50% of the cases of low sperm count are treatable. Treatment depends on exactly what is causing the problem. Once you understand the cause of your low sperm count you can develop a treatment plan that has a higher chance of success.
There is also a great deal of natural treatment plans available outside of seeing a doctor. A great number of the issues can be treated though natural methods which include exercise, temperature control, emotional wellbeing, and multivitamin supplements. Below are some of the more common natural treatments for low sperm count.

Control Your Body Fat:

Eating a healthy diet is one of the best means of improving sperm count. A healthy diet will help you maintain a healthy weight. Try your best to avoid sugar, junk food and fried foods that can easily pack on the pounds. Having a healthy amount of body fat but not too much can go a long way to helping with sperm count. Overweight people have a greater chance of developing lower sperm levels than those that are height and weight proportionate. By eating healthy and exercising regularly, you can reduce body fat and create a healthier environment for sperm.

Moderate Exercise:

Moderate exercise is recommended as studies have shown it can boost healthy sperm production. The key word here is “moderate”.  Just as with everything in life, excess is never a good thing when it comes to exercise. Over training puts stress on your body and nervous system and increases your stress levels.
Athletes are at a higher risk for low sperm which can be attributed to over training. Exercise surprisingly can also have a direct impact on s your sperm production especially in athletes, however generally the amount of exercise required to reach this level equals 100 miles a week for runners and greater than 50 miles for cyclists. So if you do less than that you are safe.

Watch Your Crotch:

If you wear tight underwear, sit for long periods, use laptop computers directly on your lap with no protection you could experience the same overheating as if you were to use hot tubs on a regular basis. Consider changing to looser underwear, boring old boxer shorts is better for your sperm than briefs or tights. Also, getting up on a regular basis and walking around and either use your laptop on a table or purchase a laptop tray that can support the computer away from your lap.


This is a very big deal. Due to the stress and pollution we face every day as well as our terrible diets most of us are deficient in the vitamins and minerals our bodies need for healthy sperm production. Hence the need to supplement the following:

Zinc (15-60 mg/day):

Zinc deficiencies can dramatically reduce sperm count. This is why it is recommended you intake between 15-60 mg/day for optimum health.

L-Arginine (2-4g/day):

 Studies have shown that Arginine boosts sperm count and motility. Research performed by the University of Michigan found taking L-arginine for several months showed 62% of the participant’s experienced significant improvements in sperm count.
A 2006 study published in the “Biology of Reproduction” journal found that L-arginine improved the synthesis of nitric oxide by sperm cells. Sperm requires nitric oxide during the fertilization cycle. In addition, sperm motility was improved.
According to the American Medical Association, approximately 31% of men suffer from sexual dysfunction. Because L-Arginine is an essential amino acid and improves testosterone production it is considered and safe and effective for restoring sexual vitality. This occurs through synthesis of nitric oxide, which improves blood circulation to the penis and helps keep erections firm. Insufficient blood flow can often lead to soft erections. These are some of the many benefits of taking L-Arginine supplementation.


Researchers have concluded that this amino acids plus zinc increases sperm produced, stimulates testosterone production, and improves semen quality.

B-12 (10-100mcg/day):

 B-12 along with B-Complex can restore balance to testosterone levels and increase total sperm count. In one study, men who were deficient in B-vitamins took 1,000 mcg of Vitamin B12 daily and experienced a 400% increase in total sperm count.

Selenium (100-200mcg/day):

 Selenium deficiencies are responsible for fragile sperm with immotile deformed tails. Selenium is an essential mineral and micronutrient for health sperm count. In one double-blind study, researchers found that sperm counts increases 100% after supplementation with selenium.

Essential Fatty Acids:

 Omega 3-6-9 supplements contain fatty acids such as that found in oily fish like mackerel or ground flax seed. They work by helping to lower your risk of diabetes and heart disease while improving overall health and boosting sperm count.

Coenzyme Q10 (30-100mg/day): 

Studies show that daily supplementation of Q10 can improve sperm motility in infertile men. Coenzyme Q10 is active in the testes and plays an important role as an antioxidant in developing the membranes and other components within cells by counteracting oxidative stress.

Vitamin A: Vitamin A helps to improve sperm production.

Vitamin C (500-1500mg/day): 

Numerous studies show that Vitamin C protects the body from harmful pollution such as agricultural chemicals and other toxins. It also reduces DNA damage to sperm by up to 91% while reducing agglutination and abnormalities.

L Carnitine (1500mg/day):

Studies have also shown that supplementation of L Carnitine can help develop healthy sperm and boost male fertility.

Do Supplements Work?

A lot of people ask this question all the time. Let’s be honest there are all sorts of product out there claiming to cure male infertility. If you have ever walked by a major bus stop in Lagos, then you know that “staph” is the cause of all problems and Doctor Do Goods concoction the only cure! Run from him! However I can vouch for the above listed supplements. They have tried and tested and they work. To get the benefits of supplementation, there are many good multivitamins available in health stores good brands that can give you the required daily amounts include: 

However, you will need to buy the following supplements individually: fish oil, Vitamin C, L- Arginine, L- carnitine and Q10 as they are either not present or their  quantities are too low in general multivitamins.

Feel free to contact me on how you can purchase them if required. Thanks a million for reading and do have a wonderful day!

Sunday 20 July 2014


Everybody knows 50 cent, he is an award winning rapper, an entrepreneur and a not too bad actor. But do you actually KNOW 50 cent? Curtis Jackson is a product of the hard gymnasium of life! We all know how he used to be a drug dealer, got shot 9 times ! He released on of the greatest hits of the 2000’s “IN THE CLUB”, also the bestselling debut by an artist ever! He is rich and famous all this we know, but this article isn’t about that. The real Curtis Jackson is a very intelligent, committed and competitive individual who has scaled all the obstacles that life has put in his path to become the success that he is today, He is also as strong as a bull and built like a tank! Recently he was interviewed by about his impressive physique and how he maintains it. His guide to success in fitness is so illuminating that they just had to publish it as a general guide to success.

Friday 11 July 2014


To tell you the truth i have hated tea since I was a child! I just could never understand what the whole fuss was about, as soon as I was old enough I switched to coffee! However, today’s article isn't about my love hate relationship with tea. It’s about a substance that can help you in your battle against fat and many other health challenges and that substance is green tea. Green tea or Camellia Sinensis is a plant that has been around for centuries and its fat burning properties have been known for many years.

Friday 27 June 2014


Don't be afraid of situps. here's why: Situps increase your range of motion, which makes your abdominals work harder and longer. Just avoid situps with anchored feet, which can hurt your lower back!

Wednesday 25 June 2014


Exercise in Order

Use dumbbells, barbells, and machines—in that order. "The smaller, stabilizer muscles you use with dumbbells fatigue before your larger muscle groups," says Charles Staley, a strength coach in Las Vegas.  So progress to machines, which require less help from your smaller muscles, as you grow tired.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Today's fitness tip:

Remember to stretch after(not before!) your workout. This helps your muscles remain flexible. If you are under 40 hold the stretch for about 30 seconds and if you are over 40 hold it for about 60 seconds. Please do not bounce while stretching as sudden jerky movements during stretching can lead to injury!

Do have a wonderful day.

Monday 23 June 2014


When doing abdominal exercises like crunches, make sure to stick your tongue to the roof of your mouth, it will help keep your head properly aligned and prevent neck strain.

Have a wonderful day!

Wednesday 28 May 2014


Last week I wrote about the terrible twins; PE and ED. Today I want to write to you about Erectile Dysfunction (ED) remember my friend in the Pharmacy who was asked about “PE OR ED?” I never did find out which he was suffering from, but let’s not let that derail us. ED is a problem that goes to the core of every man, if you suffer from PE at least you attempted it! With ED the horse just doesn't want to leave the stable! According to statistics we have all suffered some form of ED at one time or the other if you haven’t don’t feel smug, it’s a matter of when not if as we age. ED causes a lot of personal issues and can also cause relationship issues with a spouse or girlfriend as she starts to wonder ‘what’s wrong? Doesn't he find me attractive any more? Is he cheating? The thoughts are endless!

Monday 26 May 2014


Prince died last week. It was a shock to everybody who knew him; he was just 45 years old. A very friendly fellow, he seemed healthy, drank a little, enjoyed his isi ewu and was only slightly overweight. He died suddenly and ironically in front of a hospital where he had gone to visit a sick friend. His family and friends swore it was ‘enemies’ who were jealous of his success! The autopsy saw it differently; Prince was the victim of a sudden and massive heart attack! He never had a chance! He never saw it coming!

Friday 23 May 2014


This is a conversation I overheard recently in a pharmacy. A guy walks in looks around shiftily and finally walks up to the sales clerk and says “Bros do you have something to help me stay longer?” clerk answers “longer how?” my guy rolls his eyes and points to a row of aphrodisiacs displayed to the left “longer now!” clerk goes oooh! “P.E or E.D?”  Which one is PE again? Asks my harassed friend, I had to bite my tongue so as not too laugh! I was intrigued by the problems of Mr. Stay long and it has inspired me to write this piece on a topic that can be every virile male’s worst nightmare!

Thursday 22 May 2014


Cholesterol! That word can evoke terror like no other, whether we understand it or not we all know we should be scared of it! Cholesterol is the culprit behind the increasing cases of heart disease and sudden death we face in Nigeria today. Fear not my friends; there is a natural way to fight cholesterol and its right under your nose.
We all know olive oil, but what do we really know about it? Olive oil is not some “special” spiritual oil to bind and cast evil spirits (My apologies to GOYA brand which seems to be to go to olive oil for this!)  What olive oil actually does is to bind and cast away the evil of bad cholesterol from your blood. Let’s start at the beginning shall we?

Sunday 27 April 2014


Yes I know it seems that every other week I am writing about how to improve your workout and what not. If it’s true then I give no apologies because workout intensity can NEVER be over emphasized. If exercise/working out is the life’s blood of good health and fitness, then intensity is its soul! (Honestly, I am not being dramatic).

We need to work out in order to get the best out of our bodies and be at optimum health and fitness, but in order for the workout to achieve this we must work at maximum intensity. Now what is this intensity I am carping on about today? It really quite simple intensity is a mix of quality, speed, energy, effort and concentration you put into your exercises and you must maintain intensity with each rep, set, exercise and full work out to get the best results. Let me illustrate, there are two guys in the gym let’s call them Peter and Paul. Both are doing the same exercise leg squats with a barbell weighing 50kg, peter completes a set of 12 repetitions in 60 seconds drops the weight strolls around and the gym talking with friends for about 5 minutes. He comes back and repeats the same for another 2 sets and completes his exercise in 13 minutes. Paul on the other hand completes his set in 30 seconds rests for about 1 minute and goes straight to his other sets and completes the workout in 5 minutes. Who do you think exercised with the greater intensity and will get better results? I will give you a hint it isn’t peter!

Saturday 26 April 2014


Coffee, there has never been a more ubiquitous, loved, hated and myth provoking natural beverage in the history of mankind. We have all heard the stories, in one ear they are telling you all the wonderful things about coffee; it’s an antioxidant, it will help you lose weight, and boost your exercise performance. Into the next ear they are whispering of caffeine addiction, high blood pressure and cancer!

Saturday 19 April 2014


In the world of exercise and weight loss fat burners can be a very controversial topic. There are a million and one products out there that all promise amazing and fantastic weight loss results with minimum physical effort from you. The bad news: a vast majority of them do not work, the ones that do seem to work are basically diuretics i.e. you take them and lose weight but its all water weight not real fat loss and you gain it back as soon as you stop taking them!
The best route to fat loss as always is an exercise/ weight training routine and a controlled diet. However there are some tried and trusted fat burners that have existed in nature for years. They are backed up by years of science and research and will help you lose fat (not weight!) in the quickest possible time. These fat burners can be found as stand alone supplements or as an ingredient in a commercial fat burner, so please look out for them before you buy any fat burner ever again. They are easily available in many pharmacies and health shops and even your local market! (Honestly!).  So please do look up these fat burners and add them to your supplement routine and I promise you better fat burning results.

Sunday 6 April 2014


Love handles, does anyone really love them? They are so stubborn, annoying and discouraging that we just want to hide them under baggy clothes and hope the world doesn’t notice.  However there is a silver lining. At any given time the average man’s body contains about 20kg of fat, it’s usually in flux either increasing or decreasing. Spend more time losing it than gaining it and you will gradually bury those love handles forever. Does it sound too good to be true?  It’s not, believe me I’ve been there and done it and I know how difficult it can be to win the battle of the bulge. The good news is that you don’t have to fight alone. This week I am giving you ten lifestyle and exercise tips on how to banish that unsightly jelly on your waist, if you implement them I guarantee that you will be on the road to getting rid of the belly flab forever! Guys don’t let the title deceive you; these tips are not just for the ladies, so don’t pass this over to your wife and open another can of star! These tips will help you regardless of your sex. So what are you waiting for? Let’s go!

Saturday 29 March 2014


Celebrities! We love to hate them, and with good reason too! They are famous, well paid, pampered and often good looking. These people have the world at their feet and everything going for them. Now you have one more reason to hate them; they are often in great shape. However before you turn totally green with envy, there is something about these guys on display today. They have all worked incredibly hard to get the great physiques they have built today. If money and wishes could buy you a six pack, I would have a dozen by now! Since that isn’t going to happen you will have to build the body of your dreams the old fashioned way, with plenty of sweat and tears!

To help you along the way I have outlined these fit elite; 9 celebs all guys who take fitness and training to the next level. If you can study their methods and madness and apply it to your workout the sky is the limit. Now before you shrug and say “I don’t work out” still check out their stories, they just might inspire you to get off your lazy ass and find that lost mojo! I would have loved to do a Naija fittest celebrity dozen, but info is so scarce and our celebs so lazy that it will have to wait for another day.  Hope you enjoy this and happy reading this and do have a lovely day!


What he did:

Star of Batman and other great movies, he brings intensity to all his roles. After dropping over 25kg for his role in the machinist (mostly through a diet of apples and coffee!),   Bale had to bulk up from 60kg to 100kg for his role in Batman. Incredibly he became too muscular for the role and had to drop 10kg to fit into the bat suit! He achieved this massive gain in just 5 months by feeding on mostly protein; chicken and turkey and by eating every 3 hours throughout day! His workout regime included squats, bench press and shoulder presses. He also included squat jumps for explosive power. On his motivation Bale say’s “you just can’t pull it off until you become a beast in the suit”.

Friday 21 March 2014


I was inspired to write this piece by a friend of mine, let’s call him LD. LD is having serious issues rocking his marriage. To put it bluntly, he has lost interest in sex and now makes up excuses to dodge his wife! Talk about reversed roles! It has gotten so bad that he came to me for help, now I am not the world’s greatest authority but I love a good challenge and I got to work. Let’s just say, things are now looking up in his life (pun intended!) I got so tripped by this I decided to write about this issue that is fast spreading amongst guys but no one really wants to talk about. Hope you find it educative, and if you don’t need the advice, I am willing to bet you do know someone who needs it. So pass it on!

Sunday 16 March 2014


Recently the noise makers in the health industry have been bombarding us with all this information about good fat versus bad fat, sometimes it just gets so confusing that you don’t know what is what. Today they are harping about fat being the enemy, the next they tout the health benefits of consuming fat in your diet.
Until a few months ago I was as confused as the next guy. So I did some digging around and I discovered the wonderful health benefits of omega 3 fatty acids which is most popularly found as omega 3 fish oil. I know you are wondering if fish oil is all it’s cracked up to be and the short of it is yes! If you are not getting your daily dose of omega 3 by eating oily sea fish e.g. mackerel (Titus to you in Naija!) then you had better start now and if you can’t stand the taste of fish, start taking supplements.

Sunday 9 March 2014


Sequel to my last post on cholesterol, i have decided to write on the foods that raise your levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL).  With this list you will be able to make informed choices about what foods to eat and foods you should avoid. Let this list be a rough guide to your nutrition when it comes to cholesterol control. It is by no means exhaustive and if you know any foods I have omitted, I would be grateful for the feedback.
Thanks, and do have a wonderful day.

1.       Egg Yolk:

The yolk of egg has the most cholesterol of any food with 1234mg per 100gram serving or 411% of the recommended daily value. A single egg yolk will provide 210mg (70%) of daily value of cholesterol, while a whole egg provides slightly more with 212mg (71%). Thus all the cholesterol in egg is in the yolk. Hence my advice to you is to avoid egg yolk as much as possible.

Friday 28 February 2014


Today i am not going to write much, i want these awesome body transformations from everyday people to speak for themselves. I know its tough finding motivation to work out, but if these people could so can you! So enjoy these pictures and i hope they motivate you to get active and healthy today. All pictures are courtesy of

Do have a wonderful day.

Thursday 20 February 2014

10 Things you probably don’t know about Sylvester Stallone

We here at corefitness cant get enough of the sly one. His life should be made into a movie! He rose from poverty and ill health to become one of the biggest stars of the 20th century and also one of the truly fit celebrities of our time. In previous posts we have looked at how he became a health and fitness icon as well as one of the biggest movie stars on the planet. Today i want to round off  on a light note with this fun trivia on Stallone. How many of this facts did you know before today?  Give us a shout  by subscribing to our weekly post.

Do have a lovely day!

 Sly was born on the 6th of July 1946 with his trade mark sneer; it was caused by an inexperienced medical intern who helped deliver him. Rough use of medical forceps cut a facial never in baby Sylvester causing the permanent droopy look and sneer. Didn’t seem to affect his career though! 

Young Sylvester was a short skinny kid who got bullied frequently at school and as a result got obsessed with getting big and strong like Steve reeves(pictured below)

Thursday 13 February 2014


First off I have to apologize in advance to anybody who wants to get in shape in time for Valentine’s Day. These tips are coming way too late to be of help on February 14th. You are just going to rely on your charm, wit and internal beauty to be in shape for your loved ones. However don’t fret we still have over 300 days for you to be in your best shape and feel like the star you are in 2014.

Today I am giving you 8 special exercises that you can incorporate in your daily workout to help you get rid of the ironically named love handles. If you don’t know what love handles are then we both have a long way to go. For those of you still wondering, Love handles are those rolls of fat on the waist. Ubiquitous, unsightly and annoying they ruin the fit of your clothes and make you look unhealthy. If you want to banish your love handles, then I recommend these exercises for you.

These exercises are not just for the ladies alone but for the guys also because love handles do not discriminate against either sex! So in the spirit of love and sharing I present my Valentine’s Day gift to you all.
For inspirational purposes I am also attaching some awesome transformational pictures of everyday people who decided to take charge of their bodies and get rid of their love handles. Hope they motivate you to achieve your true potential.

Do have a lovely day!


Friday 7 February 2014


He is virtually forgotten now; one would have thought that would be impossible given his massive girth! Today marks the 14th anniversary of the death of Christopher lee Rios, better known as Big pun. He died on February 7th 2000 of a massive heart attack at the peak of a successful but ultimately short career that only showed the beginnings of what would have been a successful career. In case you are wondering what big pun has got to do with a fitness and health blog, don’t worry his is a cautionary tale of how you could lose that which we should cherish above all: good health and life itself.

Friday 31 January 2014

Dwayne " The Rock " Johnson Workout video 2013


This piece was inspired by an old secondary school friend of mine, let’s call him KC. Now must of us guys in our thirties are currently engaged in a battle with our waistline and generally we are losing it! Most guys are struggling to lose weight, trim down and stay in shape. Now KC’s problem is the exact opposite because he struggles to maintain a healthy weight and be fit and his asked me for advice. Now I love a good challenge so I delved into the archives and came up with this wonderful training advice from Sylvester Stallone.

Now we all agree that sly is the epitome of fitness and dedication to one’s objectives and he has inspired and continues to inspire millions of guys (and ladies) to be in their shape no matter their age. Sly is 66 now but, I am willing to bet he is in far better physical condition than most of us in our thirties! (check out the previous video post of old man sly still doing his thing!!)Sly wasn’t always so ripped and muscular as you can see. He too was underweight as a young man and had to overcome physical and mental barriers to get to where he is today, both physically and professionally.


Thursday 23 January 2014


It’s supposed to be the perfect carbonated soft drink. You get all the taste and flavour of drinking coke and none of the sugar associated with regular coke. Great deal right? The answer to that is not so fast, there are certain unanswered issues when dealing with coke zero and it revolves around a major ingredient

Aspartame is an artificial sweetener that is used as a sugar substitute in coke zero, it is about 200 times sweeter than sugar and contains almost zero calories. Now, you might ask me what’s all the fuss about a coke zero and the answer is many people are now drinking coke zero to avoid sugar consumption in regular soft drinks and might not know what they getting themselves into.

Saturday 18 January 2014


Let me start with apologies. The last time I signed in was in later October 2013 and for that I owe you all a sincere apology. Even with the best of intentions life’s challenges can make you lose track, and I have to admit I have been off track for the past three months.

I want to promise you that in this New Year I will strive to be totally focused and committed. I promise a better, more interesting and interactive blog. I will not wander off! Guys forgive me. I’m back!