Sunday 27 April 2014


Yes I know it seems that every other week I am writing about how to improve your workout and what not. If it’s true then I give no apologies because workout intensity can NEVER be over emphasized. If exercise/working out is the life’s blood of good health and fitness, then intensity is its soul! (Honestly, I am not being dramatic).

We need to work out in order to get the best out of our bodies and be at optimum health and fitness, but in order for the workout to achieve this we must work at maximum intensity. Now what is this intensity I am carping on about today? It really quite simple intensity is a mix of quality, speed, energy, effort and concentration you put into your exercises and you must maintain intensity with each rep, set, exercise and full work out to get the best results. Let me illustrate, there are two guys in the gym let’s call them Peter and Paul. Both are doing the same exercise leg squats with a barbell weighing 50kg, peter completes a set of 12 repetitions in 60 seconds drops the weight strolls around and the gym talking with friends for about 5 minutes. He comes back and repeats the same for another 2 sets and completes his exercise in 13 minutes. Paul on the other hand completes his set in 30 seconds rests for about 1 minute and goes straight to his other sets and completes the workout in 5 minutes. Who do you think exercised with the greater intensity and will get better results? I will give you a hint it isn’t peter!

Saturday 26 April 2014


Coffee, there has never been a more ubiquitous, loved, hated and myth provoking natural beverage in the history of mankind. We have all heard the stories, in one ear they are telling you all the wonderful things about coffee; it’s an antioxidant, it will help you lose weight, and boost your exercise performance. Into the next ear they are whispering of caffeine addiction, high blood pressure and cancer!

Saturday 19 April 2014


In the world of exercise and weight loss fat burners can be a very controversial topic. There are a million and one products out there that all promise amazing and fantastic weight loss results with minimum physical effort from you. The bad news: a vast majority of them do not work, the ones that do seem to work are basically diuretics i.e. you take them and lose weight but its all water weight not real fat loss and you gain it back as soon as you stop taking them!
The best route to fat loss as always is an exercise/ weight training routine and a controlled diet. However there are some tried and trusted fat burners that have existed in nature for years. They are backed up by years of science and research and will help you lose fat (not weight!) in the quickest possible time. These fat burners can be found as stand alone supplements or as an ingredient in a commercial fat burner, so please look out for them before you buy any fat burner ever again. They are easily available in many pharmacies and health shops and even your local market! (Honestly!).  So please do look up these fat burners and add them to your supplement routine and I promise you better fat burning results.

Sunday 6 April 2014


Love handles, does anyone really love them? They are so stubborn, annoying and discouraging that we just want to hide them under baggy clothes and hope the world doesn’t notice.  However there is a silver lining. At any given time the average man’s body contains about 20kg of fat, it’s usually in flux either increasing or decreasing. Spend more time losing it than gaining it and you will gradually bury those love handles forever. Does it sound too good to be true?  It’s not, believe me I’ve been there and done it and I know how difficult it can be to win the battle of the bulge. The good news is that you don’t have to fight alone. This week I am giving you ten lifestyle and exercise tips on how to banish that unsightly jelly on your waist, if you implement them I guarantee that you will be on the road to getting rid of the belly flab forever! Guys don’t let the title deceive you; these tips are not just for the ladies, so don’t pass this over to your wife and open another can of star! These tips will help you regardless of your sex. So what are you waiting for? Let’s go!