Friday 29 April 2016


Our thighs are hands down the bulkiest parts of our anatomy, meaning a lot of your muscle and fat (unfortunately!) are situated there. If you have hard muscular and well-toned thighs, you can stop reading now; this article is not for you! However if you are pissed off at how your thighs wobble, shake and dimple then I have got just the thing for you.

The bodyweight squat is a wonderful exercise and anybody can do it, male or female it doesn't matter, it will work well for anybody who wants to burn fat and lose weight off their thighs or build some muscle. Ladies, if you want to burn off that unsightly cellulite off your thighs then this is for you, I highly recommend this exercise because it needs no special equipment, it is not time consuming and the movements are so basic, anybody can master them. All you have to do is go down and come up, its that simple! You can burn up to 100 calories a day in a single 10 minute squatting session and that includes the rest breaks!

Friday 8 April 2016


It’s a little bit weird writing about motivation in April, most people will say “where the hell were you when I needed you in January?!” Well its better late than never, statistics show that 90% of all New Year resolutions (and gym memberships) are abandoned within the first three months of the year, so i think a big dose of motivation is needed right about now!

We all start a new year full of hope, enthusiasm and a can do anything spirit. You are literally ready to climb mountains and swim seas to achieve your goals and targets for the year. Some want to lose weight, others build muscle or simply be fitter. Your target could be to just find the motivation to jog twice a week! Then something insidious called “life” happens, life is the enemy, that saboteur that strikes at the core of your determination.  Like the devil, Life has many agents to do its dirty biding; work pressure, family commitments, financial demands etc. They keep at you until you are forced to put your health and fitness goals on the back burner.

Don’t let it happen! Fight life! (You heard right!) You can achieve your goals in 2016, being slimmer, fitter or healthier does not have to be a trade off with success in other facets of your life. Like everything else in life you have to strategize, plan and execute. Life is a marathon not a sprint, and if you start the year in a rush looking for miracle diets, pills and workouts i.e. short term success, then you are likely to be disappointed.