Friday 10 August 2018


You are doing everything right, or so it seems. You watch what you eat, you exercise as much as you can and yet, you are just not losing any weight, you look in the mirror and all you see is your flabby self,   glaring right back at you!

If this scenario sounds familiar, don’t despair, you are not alone. I have been there and done that too. Trying to get in shape, lose weight and build muscle and getting little or no results can be very frustrating and it even leads many people to give up altogether. If you are on that cusp, please don’t give up, if you are really, honestly doing all that you can and not getting results then its time to look under the rock for the hidden culprits.

Friday 3 August 2018


On social media there is nothing that goes viral faster than the image of an athlete or celebrity with a flat and chiseled mid-section, male or female! Let’s admit it, we are totally obsessed with chiseled abs and we all want that 6 pack, and who wouldn’t?  Abs are a sign of health, fitness, virility etc. you name it and the 6 pack represents it. They are also very rare and elusive, just like Bigfoot!

Like all things elusive, a lot of myths are misconceptions get woven into the development of your average 6 pack, today at corefitness we are going to look at building your abs, we will be analyzing the most common assumptions we have about how to develop your abs and whether they are true or false. At the end of this post we will know whether your current activities are helping or hindering your efforts at abdominal development. It doesn’t matter if you are a guy or a lady, young or old, seasoned workout pro or a beginner with “No Pack” this article is for you!