Saturday 9 May 2015


Caveat Emptor!

 If you are in the business of buying and selling then you have probably heard this Latin phrase more times than you care to remember! We all know that it means “let the buyer beware!” So how does this relate to female training and fitness? Well this world of ours is one huge market, full of hustlers and more. There is so much information and misinformation about what is right and wrong about any given fitness topic that you just have to be careful about buying into everything you are told.

If you are a woman (or Man) who wants to get back in shape, lose weight or just live a healthier lifestyle. It’s safe for me to assume that you would probably consult the internet for information, and here’s where it can get tricky as you try to sift through all the information at hand and you end up consulting multiple sources and you'll often get multiple answers. What I want to do today is to clear up all the smoke that can cloud your thinking. I have decided to address six common misconceptions when it comes to women's training, nutrition and weight loss. Thereby saving you the confusion—and lost time—that comes from Googling it!

Ladies if you just scroll down you will find out real answers to questions that have kept you out of the gym and from creating your perfect body, so please read on and find out the whole unadulterated truth and if you are a guy don’t close the page. You will find useful tips for your better half and she will love you all the more for it. So what are you waiting for?

Do have a lovely day!

MYTH 1: Lifting heavy will make you look like a man
Chei! This has to be number one and we have all heard it before! Sadly a lot of people buy into this and don’t exercise. Ladies let’s cut the BS once and for all,  it isn’t true! It’s true that any woman who lifts weights over time will become progressively stronger, but that doesn't mean that she'll physically start to look like a man. You see, women produce very little testosterone compared to men. Even serious female trainers with years of experience can't build the bulky muscle you see on male bodybuilders. So don’t fret about looking like a man ok? I know you have seen women who look like the incredible hulk and I have only this to say: STEROIDS! If you are not into that, then you have nothing to fear. For the normal woman, the process of becoming stronger and building lean muscle mass is the accumulation of dozens—if not hundreds of workouts. By adding lean mass to your body, you burn more calories on a daily basis and stay leaner. So don't be afraid to grab some heavier weights!

Steroids in Action!

Natural weight training!

MYTH 2: Muscle will turn to fat when you stop working out

My People this statement is about as true as saying that gold will turn into silver. It's simply not possible.
Exercise helps your muscles grow bigger it’s a process called hypertrophy. When you stop lifting, the reverse occurs and your muscles start to shrink. It's called atrophy, where the muscle simply becomes smaller. Muscle fibers don't magically turn into fat cells; the muscle fibers simply shrink.
If you were to abandon your clean eating and replace those foods with junk foods or excess fatty calories, the scales likely would start tipping in the direction of storing greater amounts of body fat. What may have once been a firm, dense muscle then feels flabby. That's a sign of a change in body composition (more fat, less muscle) rather that one kind of fiber type being converted into another. My advice is you Stick with the weight workouts and healthy eating.  Conversely fat too can never turn to muscle ok?

MYTH 3: Training your legs every day is necessary to develop a curvaceous booty

When it comes to weight training to build muscle (and curves), the rule is this: Train it hard in the gym and then give it at least 48-72 hours between workouts
to recover. Why? All that hard work you do in the gym is
the stimulus for muscle growth; the actual repair and rebuilding occur the next few days given rest and proper nutrition. Cut the recuperation period short and you cut short the muscle's ability to grow stronger and larger. Training more frequently induces overtraining, and your results will suffer big time.
It's worth noting that aerobic exercise involving the lower body can be done more frequently; it involves muscle fibers built for endurance activities which can be sustained for longer periods of time.
Cardio can also play a role in helping shape your lower body and can be done more frequently, but it won't build your booty the way weights can.
Don't squat every day!

MYTH 4: Too much protein is bad

Let’s start this by saying that protein is the raw material of muscle. Once protein is digested, your body breaks it down into the individual amino acids, which your body uses for all sorts of wonderful stuff, including muscle repair and growth.
When you work out hard, make sure you get enough protein to sustain you. Ladies even if you are on a calorie restricted diet and are eating less, let the less consist of more protein ok? Don't shortchange your amino acid supply. Fall short on the muscle-building nutrient, and your body may divert amino acids for other metabolic purposes. An easy way to remember how many grams of protein you need each day is to simply know your bodyweight, in pounds. So if you weigh 125 pounds, strive for 125 grams of protein, spread over the course of the day.
If you find it difficult to consume that amount, a protein supplement is an easy and convenient way to get more.

MYTH 5: Eating more than three meals per day will make you fat
The total number of calories you consumed is much more relevant to your body weight than the number of meals you eat each day. Eat more calories than you burn and you'll gain weight; eat fewer than you expend and you'll lose weight.
Theoretically if you eat the same number of calories at each of your six meals as you do for each of your three, you'd gain weight, but alas "grazing" entails smaller meals because you're simply not as hungry. This way the body also gets a steady supply of amino acids to help support muscle-building.
Bring high-protein snacks with you to work or school. You'll also be less likely to splurge for junk or fatty foods if you suddenly get hungry between meals.

MYTH 6: Women don't need supplements
Ladies I will be the first to tell you this even if it puts me out of business! If you eat a clean, balanced, high-protein diet every day, you may not need food supplement. But the good news for guys like me is that most of us do not have enough time or knowledge to cook all our meals right and eat healthy throughout the day. For most of us without enough hours in the day, fixing all our meals is difficult. That's when supplements can be like a nutritional insurance policy.
Ladies at the least you require a daily multivitamin which helps to ensure that you get the proper dosages of vitamins and minerals that you may not get from your diet. Also Fish oils have multiple benefits, ranging from possibly reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease to lubricating joints.
You can even take the occasional pre-workout boost from caffeine. And there are so many muscle-building advantages to consuming a whey protein supplement mainly that it helps with muscle recovery. You may not need all the power-and strength-boosting supplements a man might take, but don't think you can't make significant progress with the right ones.

Ladies I hope you found this helpful, please do not be afraid to exercise be it weights, press ups, skipping or whatever you will not turn to the incredible hulk! I would love to hear some feedback so kindly drop a comment in our comment section below.
Thanks and do have a lovely day!

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