Friday 4 January 2019


Its January 2019, all the leftovers in the freezer are finally gone, the booze, soft drinks, cakes etc. you look in the mirror and you’ve gained like 5kg over the past few weeks due to all those end of year parties. You have wrecked you nutrition, discipline has gone out the window and you feel totally out of shape, don’t worry just get back on the wagon and start again. Like you I have a weakness for Christmas and really let myself go this year, I haven’t worked out in 3 weeks and I am dreading my first Saturday morning jog tomorrow! Let me confess, this piece is to inspire myself as much as it is to inspire you.  As far as inspiration goes, this line from a not too old movie comes to mind.

“Immortality! It’s yours, take it!”  That’s my favourite line from a not so favoured movie, Troy. It’s what Brad Pitt (Achilles) charges his men with as they charge up the beaches of Troy, immortality meaning dying a glorious and honourable death that will long be remembered.
Guys it’s a new year and while you don’t have to die to achieve your dreams, some things need to, your chief enemies that need to be executed if you are to realize your health and fitness goals this year include:


 Stop with the excuses, stop saying “I would love to exercise and lose weight, if only I could find the time. I have news for you, you will never have the time, you have to make the time! If you really want it bad enough, you will find a way to make it happen, it’s that simple, yes I know work, family etc are all vying for your attention, but you must find the time to take care of your body in 2019. The holidays are over and we have all made resolutions ( I hate that word!) to stick to your health and fitness goals you have just got to stop making excuses, just show up every day, stick to the program and hack it out one workout at a time.


The second enemy you have to kill is your fears, fear is a tricky old adversary, it sits on your shoulder, closer than a brother, all the while telling you why you should give up. It tells you “haven’t you tried this and failed before?” who do you think you are?” “I give you one month and you will be back to your old junk food eating, non exercising self! Together we are going to kill fear this year, when that little demon pops up on your shoulder, blast it to hell with positive thought, no kidding! You have to visualize yourself actually doing the fitness activities you set out to do. Do not be afraid, it doesn’t matter if you haven’t exercised in the last 3 months, 6 months, year or ever. What matters is that you show up for every workout, put the past behind you and give it your best, just be consistent and you will see yourself getting slimmer, stronger, faster, fitter. I guaranty it.

 P.S for the ladies; do not be afraid of the gym, don’t be scared of how you look, what people will say about your figure or anything else. Let them think what they want, just focus on you, never be intimidated by the people who look “perfect” they had to start from somewhere right?


Rome wasn’t built in a day. Otherwise it would have been a seriously shoddy job! Likewise you cannot attain the goals you want overnight. Forget the celebs with their 6 pack selfies and slim post baby bodies; they have the best experts, trainers, cooks and nutritionists that money can buy. Most people do not have the afore mentioned luxuries so it’s going to take us a bit longer to get there, note it’s not impossible to drop the extra pounds , build the strength or even that 6 pack, however it will take time and consistency. Do not go into the gym or hit the roads expecting some 6 week miracle, how long did it take for you to lose your fitness, gain that beer belly etc? I bet it crept up on you like a thief in the night!  Goals for the New Year are always good, but let them be realistic, instead of saying I will lose 10kg in a month, set yourself a 3 to 6 moth target, you might make it sooner or later than you think, and the most important thing is that you lost it. Don’t go on a crash starvation diet, why? You will probably lose the weight, lose your motivation and go back to eating the wrong foods. Instead think of your health and fitness journey as a marathon, simplicity in exercise and nutrition will be your best tools, stick with it and you will have a glorious 2019!

It’s so great to be back, a lot went down  in the last third of 2018 and I was unable to write for 4 months, it’s the longest I’ve been away, I have no excuses to give, I’m sorry.  While challenging you, I have also decided to challenge myself; I will not miss a single week of interacting with you this year, that’s a promise, may the good Lord give me the strength to see it through.

Do have a wonderful Year!

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