Friday 21 June 2013

Do you really want to lose that pot belly?

For a lot of us it’s a never ending war between us and our bellies, at times it seems like a losing battle, because the older you get the more difficult it becomes . You exercise and eat right but nothing seems to work! The good news is there is a solution, today’s post will teach you a new way to fight belly fat. Follow this method religiously and I promise you will start to win the war, one battle at a time.
Let us start by stating the obvious. To lose that unwanted belly fat you have to lose weight, right? Having said that, there is the wrong approach and the right approach. Let us first explore the wrong approach.
Many people try to lose belly fat by targeting their belly only, I have lost count of the number of times I have heard people say “I just want to lose fat on my tummy the rest of my body is ok” but it’s not!  As a result, most people will concentrate only on the tummy, doing hundreds of sit ups and ab crunches every day! The problem is you cannot target belly fat exclusively, at best you will develop strong abdominal muscles but little else. Do not be fooled by those miracle tummy fat loss devices like your ubiquitous tummy trimmer, Ab flex, Abs isolator being hawked in Lagos “go slow” traffic it won’t work! Don’t bother with fancy belts that shock your tummy and promise to melt fat I have been there and done that, it won’t work! Same goes for fat loss creams, there is no miracle cure or short cut.

The only thing you lose is your money!
while gaining a sore neck!

The right approach encompasses; a good diet with preference for African foods high in fiber like yam (a personal favourite), smaller portions, cardiovascular exercise e.g. running, skipping, cycling, swimming and not forgetting a regime of weight training. The idea is to lose weight and watch your pot belly melt away. This approach is the best in my opinion because when you concentrate on total body fat loss, the tummy will take care of itself. You have to lose fat all over your body to lose the belly.
I want to emphasize that lifting weights or weight training is very important to because when you lift weights regularly it stimulates muscular growth. The more muscle mass you have, the faster your metabolism will work and the more fat you will lose. Ladies are always concerned about this, do not worry about turning into the incredible hulk; it can’t happen unless you are ingesting buckets of steroids! Adopt this approach consistently and I guarantee you results. On a parting note: you need patience and persistence. Give yourself time, it took you months or years to acquire that belly, you will not lose it overnight. Keep at it and weigh yourself weekly, it might take you a while but you will get there.

Do have a wonderful day. 

1 comment:

  1. see bele!!! Na our lifestyle of Friday night hanging out and madame's cooking
