Monday 10 June 2013

You do have time to exercise!

Imagine this scenario; you are in your doctor’s office, and he drops a bombshell: you have a terrible medical condition, you must lose ten percent of your body weight through physical exercise or you will be dead in six months! Would you answer “doctor, I would love to but I just don’t have the time to exercise”?
It’s safe to bet you would never give that answer; you would be so scared that the time would be found and the weight lost in two months!.  Proving that you can achieve anything, given the proper motivation. My friend, you don’t have to wait till that loaded gun is pointed at your head! I know it’s tough to squeeze out time from your hectic schedule, but think of exercise as an investment in your body and the profits are a healthier body and mind, powerful weapons in this battlefield called life.

Do you know you can drastically increase your stamina, endurance and burn of a significant amount of fat by investing as little as fifteen minutes a day, four times a week, in exercise? It  will yield you a lifetime of benefits. Really, let me give you and example: Skipping is a wonderful exercise, requiring very little time, space and money to engage in. Skipping burns between ten and twenty calories per minute, depending on the intensity you generate.  It builds endurance, aids weight loss and builds muscle tone. Like most people time to exercise is a luxury for me so I took up skipping and I recommend it. I break my fifteen minutes into three rounds. Each round is four minutes long with ninety seconds rest in between, like a boxing match. Pick any four days that suit your schedule and try it out. Skipping ropes cost from 1,000 Naira to 3,000 Naira depending on the quality. You will reap a life time of rewards for your small investment. In case you haven't skipped since kindergarten, watch the videos below to learn the proper form for skipping and you dont have to be a pro to do it, all it takes is patience, concentration and time! Dimeji this is for you!

Do have a wonderful day!

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