Sunday 21 July 2013

Are you suffering from a Vitamin deficiency ?

Most of us suffer from one annoying health niggles from time to time, most times we just shrug it off as one of those things, little do we realize that a lack of vitamins might be the culprit.
Although, it is well known that some deficiencies can be dangerous i.e. a severe lack of Vitamin C can cause scurvy. However even relatively small deficiencies come with their own problems
“Diet and poor nutrition are often overlooked by health practitioners despite being related to everyday health complaints” according to Professor David Kennedy pysychobiologist at Northumbria University U.K.

I agree with this position wholeheartedly, hence I decide to dig up some common health issues that could be affecting you today. We will also be looking at the deficiencies that might be causing them and food sources of the needed vitamins. I hope you find this very educative and that it helps you make the right choices in your diet.

Do have a wonderful day.

Vitamin A:
Are you suffering from dry skin, slow wound healing, poor night vision, reduced sensory ability?
You might be suffering from Vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin a is an antioxidant that helps fight free radicals which damage cells and are produced by your body.

Dietary sources: Oily fish, eggs, dairy, fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin B:
Does this look familiar? Blood shot eyes, poor appetite, unintended weight loss, depression, inability to concentrate, skin rash, anemia, upset stomach, depression. This frightening roll call is all consequences of vitamin B deficiency. The B complex is the most important of the vitamins and should be taken very seriously as the consequences are many.

Dietary sources: Dairy, fish, meat, liver, potato, avocado and walnuts.

Vitamin C:
Urinary tract infection! You wouldn't normally remember Vitamin C when treating it, but research has shown that Vitamin C acidifies urine and helps decrease the number of harmful bacteria in the urinary tract. Other culprits associated with vitamin C deficiency include; scurvy, nose bleeds, painful or swollen joints, shortness of breath and slow wound healing.

Dietary sources:  Citrus fruits i.e. oranges, broccoli, red vegetables like tomatoes etc.

Vitamin E:
Inability to absorb fat is a sign of deficiency. Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin and helps the body break down fat into the system, before you think that’s not so bad, remember that there is good fat like your omega 3 and 6 essential oils. A vitamin E deficiency will block their absorption and may even make you gain weight!

Dietary sources: fish oil, avocados, whole grain, nuts, seeds and vegetables.

Vitamin K:
Heavy periods, Inability of blood to clot? Your culprit is most likely Vitamin K deficiency. It is a relatively unknown vitamin and is required for blood to clot and prevent excess bleeding. It’s useful for women suffering from heavy periods. Vitamin K is a fat soluble vitamin so any your body doesn't require for immediate use is stored in the liver for future use.

Dietary sources: vegetables, vegetable oils, wholegrain cereals and meats.

As you can see there are a lot of health conditions associated with Vitamin and mineral deficiency. If you see any correlation between symptoms you are experiencing and the above mentioned deficiencies, i would seriously advice you to consider taking vitamin and mineral supplements. there are many on sale, ranging from the cheap to the pricey, to guide you through, in my next post i shall be compiling a list of the top supplements for men.I know you will find it very educative.

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