Wednesday 10 July 2013

The physical benefits of fasting

We all know about fasting. Virtually everybody and has embarked on a fast at one time or the other. Truth be told I have never met anybody who looks forward to fasting, since we all live in a consumer age the thought of denying yourself one of the pleasures of life is really not that appealing.
Here in Nigeria we mostly engage in fasting for the spiritual benefits, we want to have a closer connection to our God and really concentrate on him during this time of self denial. Guess what? In the process of seeking spiritual blessings, you can also obtain physical blessings from fasting. Some of the benefits of fasting include;

*Reduction in blood sugar and blood pressure
*Reduced risk of diabetes and obesity
*Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease
*More efficient fat burning
*Preserves memory function, reduces the incidence of degenerative brain diseases
*Reduces inflammation and lessens free radical damage

When I first came across this information I thought “yeah right, how can starving be beneficial?” and I took it with a huge spoon of salt, but I have since had a change of heart. Why? Because someone challenged me to try it out and on a dare i took up fasting for 24 hours once a week, for 3 months straight and at the end I had to admit that the books were right and I was wrong, because I experienced the benefits as claimed, I saw positive results, and I just have to share this with you.

I am proposing that you take up the weekly fast program as part of your health and wellness routine. The 24 hour fast enables your organs to rest from their 24/7 job of digesting your food and flushing toxins from your system, the key to doing this successfully is to start in the morning and end in the morning. For example wake up early on a Friday (I chose Friday as it is a slow work day!), eat breakfast by 8am at the latest and do not eat again till 8am on Saturday morning. During the fast you can drink as much water as you like but don’t overdo it! I know you are asking; why eat breakfast? Well that’s because you probably had your last meal about 12 hours earlier, and not eating would make it a 36 hour fast. You might also be wondering why it ends in the morning. Well the fast is arranged to end in the morning so that you can sleep through the last 8 to 10 hours of it, when hunger and tiredness are at their peak and your resolve is likeliest to break. It is advisable that you gradually ease your way into the 24 hour fast, i.e. week 1: 6 hours, week 2 :12 hours, week 3 : 24 hours.
So friends I challenge you; take up a weekly fast say every Friday for 3 months, and check your vital numbers (you do know them don’t you?) afterwards, I guarantee that you will be amazed at the positive improvements. Please do not stop at only three months, remember its not a diet, but a lifestyle change. What have you got to lose?

Do have a wonderful day.

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