Wednesday 9 October 2013


Imagine this; after months and months of nagging from your wife (Men generally feel too macho for regular health checks!) you finally drag yourself to the doctor and undertake a medical. The doctor looks at you and says “you have hypertension” what would you feel? Shock,  fear or confusion?
You would probably feel a mix of all three, and you are not alone. It is estimated that at least 30% of adults suffer from persistent high blood pressure which leads to hypertension. This means your chances of suffering from this are pretty high, and it gets better as hypertension symptoms are not easy to spot and you might have it for years without knowing! If this condition is left untreated, it can be potentially fatal.
Now, you might be wondering is he trying to scare me. The short answer is yes! I hope that you read this get scared and get tested to know your blood pressure. This is very personal to me as I have recently experienced the death of someone close to my family who had been diagnosed with high blood pressure. Typical for us Nigerians he didn’t take it too seriously would rather take “agbo” than his medications and was in bad physical shape. He had a stroke in February, and was paralyzed on the left side of his body. Unfortunately he never recovered and died from a second stroke a month later. He leaves behind a wife and three little children.
This could have been you. Read this piece, act on it and I promise you that this will not be you. If you read this, you will find out the causes and effects of hypertension and how you can avoid it, if you act on the knowledge, I promise you will not have to live in fear of hypertension.
Do read this, pass it on to anyone you know over the age of 35 and together we can beat hypertension.
Do have a wonderful day.


It is having blood pressure that is persistently high e.g. from a period of weeks to months. Ideally your blood pressure should not read higher than 120/80 mmHg. Blood pressure does not stay constant and rises and falls throughout the day as you face life’s challenges. However if these numbers start to rise and stay high even when you are at rest then you should be alarmed. If your blood pressure is consistently above 140/90 then you can be said to suffer from hypertension. This causes your heart to work harder to pump blood through your arteries. Hypertension is generally symptomless, though some people may experience headaches and lightheadedness but it might not be as a direct result.

Hypertension (high blood pressure) can be caused by many factors and they include;
·         A diet high in salt

·         Being overweight or obese can raise the risk of high blood pressure and hypertension

·         Being physically inactive can increase the risk of developing high blood pressure

·         Excessive alcohol consumption has been shown to significantly raise blood pressure over time

·         A family history of high blood pressure and hypertension is a strong indicator of also developing the same condition.

·         Your race also a factor, as black people seem to be more disposed to developing high blood pressure.

·         Age: people over the age of 35 have a higher risk of developing this condition and the older you
are the higher your risk.

·         Smoking is a strong cause of high blood pressure; another reason to quit!

·         Diabetes is a major risk factor that can lead to hypertension. Having diabetes actually doubles the risk of developing high blood pressure. Also, people who have diabetes and hypertension have four times the risk of developing heart disease than someone without either.


·         HEART DISEASE:

Hypertension places a lot of strain on the heart as it struggles to pump blood through the arteries and this can lead to heart disease and even cardiac failure and arrest in the long run.

·         STROKE:

A stroke is a sudden interruption of the blood supply to the brain. This is a very serious condition caused by excessive pressure in the blood vessels in the brain, leading to either a blockage or a rupturing of blood vessels in the brain. This can cause internal bleeding in the brain or oxygen starvation. Stroke can cause temporary or permanent disability and in severe cases can lead to death if there is no immediate medical attention.

·         Hypertension can also lead to chronic kidney disease and erectile dysfunction


The good news is that while factors like race and heredity play an important role in whether one develops hypertension or not, the greater number of causal factors is within our control. The following measures are invaluable in fighting off high blood pressure:


Sodium causes your body to retain fluids, this raises your blood volume and gives your heart more work to do pumping blood, and this causes your blood pressure to go up. Limit your added salt intake to the barest minimum as I know it cannot be totally eliminated. Canned and preserved foods like, sausages, sardines, bacon, corned beef should be avoided as much as possible, and they contain inhuman amounts of salt.


Caffeine is a stimulant to the nervous system and as such it makes the blood pump faster giving us that lovely buzz. Unfortunately caffeine will also raise blood pressure in the process and this can push a person with high blood pressure over the edge to hypertension. My suggestion is to limit coffee to one cup every other day if you cannot eliminate it from your diet.

3.       QUIT SMOKING:

The stimulants in nicotine cigarettes create a buzz by raising your blood pressure. If you quit smoking you not only lower your risk of developing hypertension, you also get the bonus of lowering your risk of developing cancer.


If you are overweight your heart has to compensate by working harder to circulate blood through the extra fat. A consequence of this is elevated blood pressure. The good part is if you lose just 10% percent of your body weight you will feel lighter and your numbers will come down dramatically

5.       EXERCISE:
This is related to losing weight, you can have high blood pressure without being fat, so don’t feel smug if you are a skinny person reading this! One of the great benefits of regular exercise both with weights and cardio like jogging, swimming etc is that it helps the heart work more efficiently and thus lowers blood pressure. Are you too busy to exercise? Just 15 minutes of skipping vigorously 4 times a week is enough, surely you can manage that! No more excuses!

Alcohol if taken in moderation has some health benefits, many people do not take it in moderation! Excess alcohol damages the kidneys causing them to work less and leads to fluid retention in the body. This fluid in turn raises blood volume and pressure in the body. My advice is to never drink more than 2 glasses of wine and 1 bottle of beer a day.

7.       LEARN TO RELAX:

Just living in this modern world is enough to raise your stress levels. Challenges at work coupled with weight, alcohol etc causes your body to release adrenalin to cope. This in turn kicks your body into overdrive sending blood pumping at high pressure. Now imagine your body going through this day after day, week after week, year after year. Something’s got to give! When you are feeling stressed out, learn to walk away, take a deep breath and relax. Do not take the problems and provocations or life too seriously, also learn to laugh and slow down your pace of activity, that’s the key.


Though this point comes last, this is actually your first line of defense against hypertension. If you do not know your blood pressure, how can you make the lifestyle choices necessary to maintain good health? Please do invest in a home blood pressure monitor, they are affordable and by keeping track you will be on your way to a healthier life. All we need is the dedication and will power to succeed.

Do have a wonderful day.

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