Wednesday 23 October 2013


The gym is a wonderful place, we go there to for different reasons; to get fit, to get ripped some even go just to socialize and make friends. Whatever your reasons just remember that the gym is a social space and like all social spaces there are rules that guide behaviour. You may not have given it much thought till now, but its true and you will be judged by your behaviour in the gym.
What I would like to do today is to give you my own set of commandments to live by in the gym. They will help you make the most of your gym membership and help you achieve your fitness goals that much quicker. These rules are for everybody, even if you have never paused to admire yourself in front of those huge gym mirrors! (Hopefully all my nagging on this blog will drive you to one in the nearest future!).
So, sit back and have a wonderful read and do me a favour; pass it on.

Do have a wonderful day.


This is my number one commandment, and my pet peeve. It is extremely annoying and frustrating having to search all the nooks and crannies of the weight room for dumbbells, weights and attachments. Please once you are done return all weights to their proper positions, that’s what the racks are for. It’s also a safety issue as weights left carelessly around can and do cause injury in the gym.


We’ve all experienced it, there’s always one particular guy on that particular machine who just won’t get off! Spending more than 30 minutes on a piece of machinery is not only inconsiderate but I am willing to bet my last Naira that it’s also ineffective! People please be conscious that other people are waiting to use the same equipment and we are all pressed for time, ok?


It is a mark of good manners to leave a workspace as clean as you meet it and the gym is no exception. Please do not leave empty drink bottles, wrappers or cans lying around the gym, sure they have cleaners but nobody is your slave. If there are waste baskets then please use them. Take the gym as your home and treat it the same way you would want your home treated.

4.       DON’T STARE:

Please do not stare at the pretty girl in the pink tank top! The gym is a social space sweat and iron notwithstanding; apply the same social rules to the opposite sex. This applies mostly to us guys, please do not stare at women working out, its rude and can be upsetting she came to work out just like you and you should respect that. Also do not stare at the very fat guy with the pot belly or the muscle bound hulk on the tread mill.


It’s rude to constantly ask others when or if they’ve finished using that machine. If you want it so bad then you should have gotten there first! Don’t tap your foot in frustration, look at your watch or hover at the persons elbow. You will just put them off their workout and gain an enemy in the process. Please exercise patience or even better switch to another exercise , flexibility is key in a public gym.


Gym equipment, while very tough is also very expensive and can be sophisticated. Please handle it with care. Like I said earlier take the gym as your home and treat it accordingly. Be careful how you use the equipment so you don’t damage it and ruin everybody’s work out. Please do not throw weights etc around carelessly. Remember they can break.

7.       DON’T YELL:

Ok, I know you are trying to motivate yourself but most people do not appreciate all that yelling, screaming and grunting. It’s pretty bad manners and you are more likely to come off looking like an attention seeking showoff than a dedicated lifter. The trick is to internalize all that noise. Learn to do your psyching in your head and save the yelling for your taekwondo class!

8.       NO SWEARING:

This is a follow up to the previous commandment and an even more serious one. NOBODY is going to be impressed with your vocabulary of swear words in the gym. Its childish and immature, it will not make your workout any easier or effective and will win you no friends. Please don’t do it.

9.       USE A TOWEL:

This is the second most annoying thing for me in the gym. Please, please and please use a towel. Do not use equipment i.e. the bench press and leave your sweat for the next user to enjoy it’s not only disgusting but downright unhealthy. The gym generally crawls with germ and bacteria from so many bodies, please do not add to the equation. Always wipe down all equipment after using it.

10.   TALK LESS:

You should talk as little as possible and save it for your rest time between exercises. Talking is a big distraction, and the more you talk the less work you get done. The worst thing you can do in the gym is to be branded a talkative. People will judge you as lazy and unserious and some will go out of their way to avoid you. To avoid this, save the conversation for when the guys are all done i.e. in the changing room.


Please where the appropriate clothing for the gym, we know you came to sweat but please try not to wear torn clothing, bathroom slippers or cut off jeans to train. Apart from looking totally out of place, you might hurt your foot or other body parts by accident. Invest in a solid pair of gym shoes and clothes to help protect your feet and absorb sweat.

Do have a lovely day.

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